I felt the earth move this morning when I woke up. Literally. It was kind of scary but awesome at the same time. I was not sure it was an earthquake but could not imagine it being anything else. I was scared thinking maybe something else could have happened like a bomb or explosion. But it was a 5.2 quake.
I need an earth shaking, earth moving experience. I think I may be doing better today about the whole breakup thing. What is amazing about that is that I did it. I identified the insurmountable issues and took action. I took care of myself. I want to pinch myself and see if I am dreaming. I really did it. That's amazing to me. I could have hung in there waiting for it to get worse, waiting until I was miserable, or for something bad to happen but I took action as soon as realized it wasn't good for me. I am in awe of this right now. And I am in awe of how many supportive, loving people I have in my life to help me through these post break up days. It doesn't seem so bad. It was a significant part of my life for close to five months but there are many, many other parts to my life.
I am still learning how to have a relationship with a man. For many reasons my relationships in the past have been mostly with abusive men, alcoholics, etc. Part of what I have been doing during my weight loss years involved getting therapy and help for to heal and learn from what happened to me in the past. I no longer carry the burden of my past but I am aware of it, and it's impact on me. I can use it in many ways that are positive. I can use it to give hope to other women. I can use it to give hope to myself. This recent relationship was different from the others in many ways, but it also had some similarities. But the true glory of it is that I am able to see it in terms of what I need and want in a relationship, and make a decision based on that. Normal people probably do that, but I am still learning. Getting better every day.
There is a relationship between my healing and my weight loss. It is not easy to articulate yet, but they go together. Maybe some day I will be able to write more on the subject.
I was not that hungry today and I ate kind of weird. Here is a rundown - Coffee with creamer; one third of a very ripe banana; the top half of a chocolate iced cake doughnut (I know it's not good but it was really delicious); all bran extra fiber with plain lowfat yogurt and berries; a tuna steak; one small piece of a chocolate almond thingy. All things considered I think it is not too bad. It's five p.m. And I will be quite busy tonight, with little time to eat. The only danger zone will be when I come home to my place instead of the usual spending the night with Man friend. I can handle that. I still have the dog..hee hee.
Man friend could not drive. I had to do all the driving. He lost his license a years ago for alcohol related driving offenses. (I know, he probably was not a "good catch" in many ways) . Right now, I can't remember the last time I was a passenger in a motor vehicle. So part of my healing process is going to be having someone take me out for a ride, drive me somewhere, so I can sit and look out the window and do what passengers do. It will be a luxury. I drive the kids everywhere, I now drive my brother to work and church, I've been driving Manfriend everywhere and frankly, I am sick of it. So that's my weekend assignment, get someone to take me for a ride. My guy friend Joe says he'd love to take me somewhere. He is very sweet, and got me through the last breakup. Sheesh, how many breakups can a girl have in one year? I guess as many as it takes. Again, better to love and lose than not to love at all.
Anyway back to earth-moving things. I think about the earth moving and feel nothing but awe. We never know what is in store for us. Today I choose to feel the excitement of anticipation of amazing, breathtaking experiences. The fact that I lost 52 pounds is earth-moving. The fact that I dumped a guy that thought I really loved - in order to take care of myself and in order to live up to my ideals, is awesome.
My sister and her husband are getting the tickets for me and the kids to go to California this summer for my birthday week (turn 50 August 6th). I am looking forward to that. My grandson's first airplane trip. He always wanted to go to California. Now he will. I love to see kid's dreams come true.
There is much in life to cherish.
I don't want to get to gooey and mushy but I love the friends I have made here blogging. I get teary thinking of how beautiful and supportive you all are. I cherish all of you.
more will be revealed