Friday, April 11, 2008

Taking Care of Things, Including Me

I am requesting a half day off today to take care of a bunch of little items that have piled up. It's the first request since my sickness and my blowout with my boss. So I am hoping it gets approved. I slept again last night perhaps close to 7 hours. Had to get up to take brother to work. Kept waking up at different times so it was a weird night's sleep. I need a break and I am going to try and get one.

It seems like I slip up a little every day but overall I am more disciplined than I was in earlier months this year. I walked the dog over our hilly terrain last night. It was a lovely spring evening and I enjoyed the walk. I went to my swan pond for the first time this spring. I remembered how excited I was to find swans in the neighborhood. I still feel very grateful to live where I live.

I have piled myself into a corner literally in my room with clothes, paperwork and odds and ends strewn about. I think I may clean it in sections, divide it into quadrants and take each 4th at a time. Or just one pile at a time. I don't want to overwhelm myself, but I don't want to stand still either.

So today taking care of myself will include taking care of some little matters that have been nagging at me and weighing down on me. Perhaps, just perhaps, a trip to the gym if time permits. It is a sunny, breezy spring day so no matter what I am doing I will enjoy the day as a gift.

Spring is here and the trees are blooming. I want to go and breath it in, take some time to inhale it's glory. I don't want to miss it by thinking I have to do this and that, and rush here and there. I want to stop here and there and look around, smell the smells, hear the sounds. My brother walks miles and miles to get home. He gets in touch with the surroundings in a way that we can't do when we speed by in our cars. There is much to learn from my brother. I am appreciating the opportunity to have him stay with us (most days anyway). I want to take time today no matter what I do to really experience what's around me. And see the beauty. There is always beauty if we are willing to look for it.
More will be revealed.


Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

First, I am so happy you are enjoying your yoga class. Isn't it nice to have that hour to think about nothing but your breathing and holding poses?

Second, nice compliment from your admin. asst.

And last, I hope you get your 1/2 day off to enjoy breathing in the fresh scents of spring.

Have a great weekend.

9:47 AM  
Blogger ar said...

I love the photos. Really beautiful, and can actually picture myself there, including the swan pond. Can relate to your brother tuning into all of this beauty, what a blessed and wonderful time of the year. Hope you got the time off, and made progress without any pressure to do so. :>)

9:05 PM  
Blogger Laura N said...

I hope you got your half day off and the care for yourself that you need. I appreciate you reminding us all to stop and enjoy the spring. I tend to get overwhelmed with all the spring cleaning that needs to be done. Your post was a good reminder to slow down.

8:25 AM  

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