Friday, June 13, 2008


Soooooooooooo glad it's Friday. Yesterday on the highway, on the bridge, a lady hit the back of my car...geez, right? The truck in front of me had locked up his brakes and screeched to a halt so bad there was smoke all over from the burning rubber. I stopped in plenty of time because I drive slower than ever now and keep a distance between me and everyone else. But the lady behind me, screeched loudly, but did not quite make it. It was barely a nudge but it put these imprints of her license plate screws into my lovely painted to match bumper. Also, it pushed the bumper so that there is a barely noticible difference in the way the bumper fits the car. I'm not a body shop person so I don't know what the deal really is but I do know that its a new car, with a new loan and I should protect it's value. She followed me off the bridge and pulled over. I looked and barely saw a scratch, I told her to go on but she insisted on at least giving me her number. She was very nice. I really did not want to mess with any of it. I was a tad freaked out and just wanted to go home and forget it happened.

I thought it over at home and realized that I should indeed mess with it because I borrowed a chunk of money to drive that nice car and now it is damaged, although small, and should be fixed. So I called her and she very nicely said she'd turn it in on her insurance and she gave me all their info.

Poop is all I can say. I hate driving. I don't want to be on the road with all the people who seem to get up on my bumper cuz I am driving the speed limit or five miles under to be safe and to SAVE ON GAS. I read up on some trend called hypermiling, which is driving in such a way to save on the gas your car uses. I don't put it in neutral and coast to stops because that's not really safe, but I am using other techniques. You can Google the term and find out about it. I'm desperate to save money. But people like to go fast, ten miles over the speed limit and such so its an adjustment to have them all close behind me or passing me and scowling, etc...can't they see that I am saving them money too, and what about the scenery, can't we all just take it easy??

I did feel better after making the decision to call her and have her turn it in, but I tell you what, the incident freaked me out. The screeching of tires and bracing myself to be stressed me. My back hurt even worse, and I just felt that trauma thing all over again...It took a while to unwind. And once I finally did, I nibbled. Darn it. But not too horribly. Yesterday I did well all day. So perhaps the nibbles were not that bad. I took a long, long, dog walk to make myself feel better so all in all I think I had a good day. I slept very well. I have been taking an anti anxiety in the evening (wonder if it makes me nibble??) and I notice it helps me sleep better.

So, I'm all prepared today, and hoping to avoid the nibbles or at least pick up some salsa and raw veggies to nibble if it strikes me tonight. I think I will go out tonight and hang with some pals for a while or browse the mall, bookstore, etc..maybe a movie. Or stay home and garden till dark and then another lovely walk. I am going to insist on enjoying myself, whatever it is..and RELAXING.

More will be revealed....


Blogger Bea said...

Good grief. Another one. Mentor Mary who believes in "watching the direction of the straws blowing in the wind" would say you are having trouble with movement in your life. She sees everything as symbolic. She would say some thing or things are impeding your movement forward. This will give you another way to think about the "accidents."

Good for you about turning in the insurance stuff!!! I would have ignored it and then felt bad. Definitely do something fun this weekend, but not if you have to drive anywhere... Take care.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

Gosh that is a bummer, but so glad you are okay. Also, it was best you called her back, especially if you have continued back problems or a stiff neck.

Unfortunately, we stiffen and brace ourselves when we are about to be hit in a car accident (obviously if we see it coming) when in reality, we should stay loose. That's why a lot of drunk drivers who are in horrible car accidents, tend to survive or walk away with minor injuries because they don't brace or stiffen up. (I'm not an expert, just remember reading an article about it.)

Keep a watch on how your back and neck are doing.

Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

I'm with Lynn on this one -- when sucky stuff like this happens kind of twice in a row, I always wonder what The Universe is trying to tell me. Maybe I'm not paying attention to a message that is trying to get through...not about the incident that is happening, but SOMETHING. My messages seem to come in the form of cut hands or fingers...when I do that often in a row (which nearly never happens), I examine what in my life might need some additional attention...personally, I call it Kali...she is the Hindu goddess that carries a sword to cut away the illusion that body and spirit are separate. :-) I hope your god/goddess/universe lays off you for a while now!!!! ;-)

12:23 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

I have been thinking the same thing as Lynn and Helen, since the October crash but more so after these. I believe it has to do with my reluctance to really move forward in the area of co-dependency, boundaries, shedding the old way of thinking. But I could be wrong. There is peace to be made somewhere and there is some blockage going on....hmmmm....

12:28 PM  
Blogger Vickie said...

As someone that was re-ended twice (both times I was totally stopped, first time at a red light, second time I was pulled off the road, waiting for a police car to pass and was hit by a truck with a snow plow blade) - I KNOW how freaky this is. I have just finally gotten to the point that I am not freaked out by seeing people pulling up behind me in my rearview mirror.

You were right to call her back. You probably are very lucky - she could have denied the whole thing.

6:06 AM  
Blogger Laura N said...

Oh my gosh, girl, this is too much. I'm glad it wasn't a big deal, though. And you definitely did the right thing by calling her and having your car looked at. You never know if some kind of damage was done to the parts of the car you can't see (like the stuff on the bottom that holds it all together =). I'm sure it wasn't in this case, but I was told a long time ago to always have a wreck checked out, no matter how minor.

I heard about hypermiling on NPR a week or so ago. I have a 5 speed, so I get to coast in N all the time, which is cool and I guess helps my mileage some.

12:21 PM  

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