Friday, May 30, 2008

Normal BMI

Today I reached the 148 goal........BMI is 24.5. Cut off for normal is 24.9. I extended my goal to 145 to lose another 3 pounds. That was my original goal - because that's what my driver's license reads...hee hee.

I feel like fireworks should be shooting off somewhere. I am very tired this morning. It has been a long week of post car accident stuff. I am even too tired to write about it all. I can say that I have prevailed in the struggles I have had so far. I am now tasked with buying a car (again) but feel somewhat prepared.

It all seems to go so fast. Everything. Cars, boyfriends, school for the kids. Today is the last day of school. I want to slow down and pay attention. I am deeply grateful for the support I have on here. I feel so fortunate to have found this blogging world and my fellow blogging buddies. I don't know what I'd do without you all.

I am going to get that book Lynn suggested in her comment on my last post. I can't wait to read it.

It feels good to reach a goal. Part of how I reached was by accepting the idea that I might not, and accepting little victories instead of waiting for the one big momement.

When I am not so wiped out tired I will write more.

But for today let's let out a big woo hoo or something. Over the weekend I will post my before and afters if I can get to it. I bought more clothes. The baggy stuff for work just didn't fly anymore. My pants were falling down.

I have new saying that keeps ringing in my head - Food is Grossly Over-rated.

More will be revealed!!!!


Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

A big congratulations and hugs to you on your awesomeness! You and Laura N. have done so well the past year and 1/2.

So very proud of your weight loss success Cindy.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Vickie said...

congrats on hitting the NORMAL Range - woo to the hoo as they say in blog land.

I wondered about your car and your body all week - are you in pain at all from this one? You have had a rough year and done amazing well inspite of it - or perhaps because of it??? sometimes when things are tougher - I am more focused because there is no leeway.

You have worked so hard. I am so proud of you and you should be very proud of yourself.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Vickie said...

I hope that woo to the hoo doesn't mean something that I don't know it means. . .

4:04 PM  
Blogger Laura N said...

CONGRATS ON REACHING 148!!! Sorry I'm late to the party. I am so proud of and happy for you.

12:23 PM  

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