Friday, December 07, 2007

My Cardio Challenge

I have now been to the gym every day for seven straight days for a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio, and up to 45 on some days. I want to keep this up. I am challenging myself to it. I realize that there may be a day here and there where I cannot but if at all possible I am sticking with this. It feels too good. People have been complimenting me all day. From the elevator ride up (I forgot my security badge and could not take the steps) where I ran into a former employee who had not seen me in years who said I looked great, to a girl in the break room who said it looked like weight watchers was working for me (hee hee - I have not counted points or weighed in at a meeting in about 4 weeks, but I'll get back to that). I think it's the cardio.

It curbs my appetite. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. It takes the edge off of my day, and calms my frustration and anger when it wells up about various things. I could go on singing it's praises but I have to get back to work.

I am also taking the blog challenge of logging in every day and posting regularly. I am going back to Saturday morning weigh-ins - so I can start tomorrow, so I can be accountable. I want to renew my resolve and take off these last remaining ten or twenty pounds, whatever I decide.

My boss took away my flexibility today basically. It was like a slap in the face. A demotion. A taking away of something of value. A cut in benefits and overall compensation. She said other employees would want it if I had it. She said the company does not really like people to work from home. She said other weak excuses that made no sense really. I have been doing this for five years with flexibility. I have outstanding performance reviews. But she is the boss. The age of micro-management is upon me. I can do it. But I feel a part of me will wilt away. I'll deal with that topic later. So I went to the gym and did a half hour of cardio. Now I am back, working at my desk like a good little drone.

Gotta run. More will be revealed. I love everyone. Even my boss.


Blogger Helen said... sorry to hear about your situation at work. If they ever did that to me, I don't know what I'd do. I do have flexibility that other paralegals in my firm do not have, but I deserve them and I don't tell anyone about it AT ALL. And I've been ok like this for 14 years. Scary to think of something like that changing.

And GOOD ON YOU for all your exercise. I love how it makes me feel too...I wish I had more time for it right now, bit at least I'm doing more than I was a month ago. :-)

7:00 PM  

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