Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week One Results

It is the end of my first official week. Weigh in at the 1 p.m. meeting showed 1.8 pounds lost. Weigh in at home in the a.m. was a good two pounds. I did not religiously follow the program but I did calculate points almost every day. I also have several mini meals that I have developed and calculated point values so I can revert to them in a pinch. One thing I have stopped doing is adding calories. That is obsessive behavior for me. It was hard to cut loose of it and just look at points but I am there now. I am happy with my results. If I am a little more diligent, it will get even better, right?

My back still has it's aches and pains but I am better. I have felt extremely tired this week, and there is no wonder. Over the weekend I took a look at the past year up to now and all the many things that have taken place. Of course I'm tired. It has been overwhelming at times. But I managed to continue to lose and maintain weight loss, that is miraculous! I am encouraged by that fact each time I think of it. I have been resting more in the evening, and I am taking tomorrow afternoon off. I am looking at ways to give myself a break. I need it. I am only one person and I realize I have expected so much more from myself than I would expect from anyone else. So I am soothing myself now, not with food like I used to but with rest, good friends, kind thoughts, spiritual readings, and other forms of encouragement.

The car had a little glitch but it turned out in my favor. It's check engine light came on the day after I bought it, so they told me to bring it in. To make a long story short, I had to take it to a Mazda dealer since I bought it from a Toyota dealer, but the Toyota dealer paid the bill, and it ended up to be $870.00 for a new catalytic converter. Ah, the car stuff. I learn so much. Emissions. State laws. All in my favor. So as a bonus, I got free diagnostic testing from the Mazda dealer, an impartial third party, who said the car is in sound shape and needs no other work. How nice. It's a Mazda Protege from 2001. It is a rich, dark green color, attempts to be sporty looking, but mostly it's a cute little four door sedan. Just right for me. It has a "moon" roof and a stereo with a CD player - a couple of features that my old car did not have. And of course, air conditioning...if I want the sauna effect next year I can just turn it off. It is nice to have a choice.

I love the cooling down of the season. I am getting out my cozy sweaters. And buying a few new items. I want boots. I am hoping this winter my calves will be small enough to wear the boots I wanted a couple of years ago. I was mortified that my calves would not squeeze into them, not to mention that if they did, flesh came spilling out over the top and it just was not the look I was going for. I have been afraid to try any on since then. I want some tall boots, and perhaps some good old pointy toed western style boots. I just love boots. And all things warm and cozy.

So, warm and cozy is my thought for the day. Warm feelings of affection for all my buddies. I feel like snuggling up with a good movie or book. I am going to seek out comfort. And I am going to get some rest!


Blogger Vickie said...

Jodi was just talking about boots and her larger calves - don't remember how far back - but I think it was within a month.

glad the car stuff worked out.

My mom and I and Alicia (Grumpy) all have found this helpful. MAke cards or a sheet or something with the combinations that you eat all the time - so that you don't have to keep refiguring them. If you are like the rest of us - you eat a few set combinations for breakfast, a few set ones for lunch, etc. If you take the time to track them - and then put them in their little groupings - then you know right where your totals are - easy as can be.

glad your back is okay - I was worried. I know how it sort of sneaks up over time.

7:46 AM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I'll back up the food cards - love it, I even bought a laminator machine to laminate them (Hubby about threw a fit - Mr. Cheap, because it was only $27).

Hope you got some rest this weekend. And I'm glad your new car is all ready for you.

9:08 AM  

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