Wednesday, October 31, 2007


And, yes, it is a happy one. I look back on last year's Halloween struggles and see so much progress. I am at least twenty pounds lighter than last year at Halloween. It is hard to believe, and so amazing. Last year I stayed home alone with the candy bowl and felt defeated and scared when I ate much of it's contents. It was a turning point for me though, because I took action the next day and went to a support group. This year, the kids have plans. I am sticking the candy bowl outside on the porch and most likely going either to the gym, or to a Group. I may do some house cleaning first. I may do a variety of things, but the point is I am going to do SOMETHING. Something other than laying on the couch with the candy bowl.

The theme for me this week is counting my blessings. I have not gotten around to the list of things to celebrate yet but it is still on my mind. Turning things around. Seeing the good and the progress and the lessons learned. Forget the candy bowl, there is so much more to see and feel and experience. I no longer cut myself off from the world and hide behind my fortress of fat. And that is what it is and was. A fortress. A physical representation of the Wall. The Wall I built to hide behind, protect myself, and isolate within. The Wall has been coming down, the psychological, the spiritual and the physical Wall. Layers are peeling off, sometimes slowly and at other times swiftly. But it is coming down. Bit by bit.

So that's today's celebration. Bringing down the Wall.


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