Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fluctuations and stuff

I felt heavier this morning and before I got on the scale I guessed my weight and I was right. I have been eating salty things and more. But I am not discouraged, it will pass. I will move on. I did some hiking over the weekend and took some photos. But my daughter used my camera without my permission and I can't find my usb cable to upload them. Maybe tonight. I sat on my favorite rock overlooking the river up on the bluffs. I had some peace. I have been having anxiety so I am working harder at getting inner peace. I am having a stress echo cardiogram on Thursday. I hope it shows that I am healthy.

I am getting over my virus but still tired with moments of energy here and there. I cleaned my lower level on Saturday and it felt wonderful when I was finished. Also did the kid's bathroom so they will know what clean really means. It was icky. All that cleaning made me sore, plus I did a bike ride. I am exercising more now but my back hurts in response. I am sick of not exercising. My neck hurts when I play the guitar if I look at my fingers on the frets. But I am still playing. Screw the pain, I need to live even if it hurts. T

his is a ramble but I wanted to check in. I have not been diligently counting points and for some reason I don't care. Not a bad I don't care just a gentle I don't care. Halloween aftermath candy is pissing me off, people keep loading up this basket of candy at work, this stupid, endless basket of candy. I want to stay out of the basket but I end up picking things out now and then. Maybe it's time for a week or so of protein shakes. I'd like to move into the 150's before Christmas and I believe I honestly can with just a little more effort. So screw the candy basket, I will go for a walk up and down the stairs (I'm on the 4th floor) next time I look at the damn thing. Maybe the exercise rush will be better than the sugar rush. I will let you know how that works for me.

I am having night sweats I do believe. I wake up remembering them. Maybe I will sweat some weight off in the night. I like to be optimistic about this menopause stuff. Hot flashes, too, shouldn't they burn some calories? Perhaps that explains the slight increase in appetite and the craving salty stuff. Eating more makes my tummy feel ick, though and I actually stop. Amazing. I stop. I refuse to let this stuff interrupt my progress. I am determined to get into the 150's by Christmas, maybe even before.

Well, that's enough. More will be revealed.


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