Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Morning

Saturday weigh in was 160 I think. Almost positive. Sunday I saw 159 flash before my eyes, but I am not counting it. I promptly responded by eating too much yesterday but I will balance it all out. I am down there close to the 150's and if I am careful, I could be there at the end of the week. I did my cardio each day over the weekend. Sunday morning I took a hike in the rain to see the trees covered in ice in the woods. I was the only person there for the most of it. It was pretty and peaceful. Even after that hike, I still wanted my cardio and went to the gym later for 30 or 35 minutes of it. I want to keep it up and make it a habit. It is helping my mental state and it appears that it may be helping the scale go down.

I had a talk with my boss this morning. We clarified her concern from Friday. I think things will be ok. Everyone needs to feel secure, and I wanted to make sure trust was not an issue. Waiting to discuss it until I had had the weekend to relax and ponder made a huge difference. I am glad I was able to do it that way. I feel better. Bloated from having taco chips yesterday but in a good mood about work.

I want to get decorated for the holidays. I have not shopped, planned to shop, figured out what I am going to buy or anything like that yet. It will be a flurry of activity no doubt, but I want to savor and enjoy as much as I can. I am off the entire week between Christmas and New Year's. Thank goodness, I need it.

I feel fresh this morning. Ready to face the week. A good friend of mine made a surprise visit this weekend and I saw her last evening. She had pictures she took right before Thanksgiving of me and some other people. In one picture I am smiling at my guy friend (the one who is just a friend not the one I kinda like) who is clowning around and I look really happy ------ and I have no double chin. In fact I like how I look, and my size blends in with everything else - I do not look fat. I used to cringe when people had photos of me. I like these. She is giving me copies.

Got to go and do a good job for my employer. More will be revealed.


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