Thursday, April 05, 2007

No Sugar Today

I am ready for today. I was ready physically for yesterday, with my food packed, but the snare of passover treats took me by surprise. Not today. The bloat of yesterday is a reminder. I have imposed a no sugar rule. I have my good food packed and ready to eat. I have a big container of ice water next to me. And I am also mentally prepared, emotionally prepared, and spiritually prepared. Mentally, I have acknowledged the mistakes of yesterday do not have to spill into today, and I have a plan to avoid looking at the goodies should they still be near the printer. I have a plan to even use other printers should the goodies prove to be a distraction. I have a "just say no" plan in place. Emotionally I feel stable, no beating myself up, no wallowing in self loathing or pity. I am forgiven. I feel balanced, just still a little tired. I have a plan to identify and deal with feelings that crop up, by using a journal or mentally processing them promptly. Spiritually, I have put my eating in the hands of my creator, and given thanks for my life today.

I feel good. Even though I am tired, I feel good about life. I covered my flowers last night to protect them from the cold. I brought the containers in. I love growing flowers and all the little tasks that go along with it. I went to a support group meeting last night, too, the first one in my new area. I got to bed at a decent hour, did my budget, paid bills and planned ahead. That always gives me a feeling of stability. When I don't know where I stand financially, I can either become a spendthrift with that edgy feeling of anxiety, or I can worry too much and project the worst case scenario. It is better to stay in reality. I did my exercises this morning. My body is still sore, but it is a nice reminder that I am working out again.

Overall, I feel optimistic and excited about my entire situation. My job classification at work changed as a result of a company wide initiative. It changed in a good way for me, so I get an additional week of vacation and I was placed at the high end of my classification. So any worries about that are at rest now. My trips that were supposed to be in April were magically postponed until July, a much better time for me. The kids are both liking the new school and we are getting into a good morning routine. I feel so stable right now. Everything is taken care of that needs to be taken care of for the moment.

The lawyer who brought passover treats yesterday just popped by to say she brought even more today. Not to worry, my tummy tells me it has had enough. She listed them all proudly and I want her to be proud and happy of the talents of her husband, but I don't have to eat them to make her feel good. I can compliment them without eating them. I will not destroy myself with the goodies today. I want progress. Not regression.

So here is to a better day today. And being prepared emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.


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