Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bring it on (again)

I went to work yesterday, fueled by coffee, and had a pretty good day, but this morning it caught up with me, because in reality I am still sick. So I woke up feeling the illness upon me. But that's not all. I was blessed this morning with "that time of the month" which for me, at 48 in the beginnings of "the change" has not occurred since last November. I was thinking that was all over (ah, if only life were that simple, right?). What timing! The day before the move starts, and in the midst of this virus, I get an added bonus. I guess the only thing to do now is to invoke the "bring it on" attitude again. And take plenty of anti-inflammatory. I had been feeling like I was having PMS, but then who could tell with all the other factors. I used to have severe PMS, eat everything in sight, tubs of ice cream, enter the depths of despair and spend the rest of the month recovering from it. I am glad those days are gone. Exercise and diet changes helped with that eventually. Maybe I can blame my weekend meltdown episode on the PMS....

Anyway, onward. I have one more day at the office, one school enrollment, one parent teacher conference (we are staggering these things) one or two calls to the mortgage company, one call to the insurance company, one call to the guy who fixes things, and then some scurrying around tonight to make sure the air conditioner guy can access the furnace when he comes tomorrow at 8 a.m. to check things out. Oh, did I mention the AC did not work yesterday? And it was hot upstairs. So I am getting it serviced before I move. I love spending money on the house (not really but I am trying to convince myself) - it is a tax write off. I just keep repeating, "it's a tax write off, it's a tax write off" over and over again. So, those are things to do today. Does it sound like too much? It's a full day for sure but maybe not too much. I guess I will prepare dinner in there somewhere, too.

I am excited, really. To be off of work for a week is great no matter what. And to get moved finally, is quite exciting. I will be shopping for a couch somewhere in this. And shopping, is always fun. Sure, I wish I felt better, but then all of this activity will no doubt distract me from how lousy I actually feel. There is always a bright side to look at. Maybe I can blame the couple of lingering extra pounds from my insane gain (right after I was complimented on weight loss - do we see some emotional deal there, maybe??) on the PMS. I think I will blame everything on the PMS, just because I can. What the heck, I don't get to do it very often any more so let's get all the mileage we can out of it.

One thing I won't be doing is lying, or laying on the couch eating ice cream - that's an old "that time of the month" tradition I abandoned in favor of weight loss. I don't have time. And another thing I won't be doing is grabbing high calorie fast food, maybe low calorie fast food, but not fatty, dangerous stuff. So, bring it all on, the moving, the packing, the lifting, the vacuuming, the cleaning, the final bagging of yard waste, the red tape phone calls, the little unanticipated glitches and snafus, the mood swings, the cramps, the appetite, the unpacking, the losing and finding of things, the final cutting of the grass at the old house, the cleaning out of the icky shed, the cleaning of the bird cage, the washing of mega laundry that has been stacking up, the shopping, the writing of checks, the pulling out of cash from ATM's, the frenzy of it all!!!!

Okay, I have to go back to work now.


Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

You sound ready to tackle it! And how fun, shopping for a new couch.

Do you use a crock pot? I use ours only in the summer, because it doesn't heat up the kitchen like the stove and oven do. I throw all the ingredients in first thing in the morning and by 5:00 pm. dinner is ready.

Take your vitamins and hang in there. I hope you are feeling better today.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

I want to start using a crock pot. Maybe you can send me some recipes. I am going to buy one once I am moved. thanks for reminding me. It would be a great way to have meals ready when I get home. I am tired. I won't have computer for a couple of days after tomorrow. Not sure if I will get busy. Thanks

7:49 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

PS I am living on advil and caffiene.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I send you some recipes next week. Good luck with the move.

11:59 AM  

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