Sunday, April 08, 2007

Nibbling Celery on Easter Sunday

It is four thirty in the afternoon on Easter Sunday. I celebrated this day by putting together my hearth area. I have moved all the boxes and bags out and put up the futon love seat across from the hearth. There is a small TV on a rolling walnut stand that can be watched while cooking or watched sitting on the futon. It does not take up much space and is not the focal point of the room, very unimposing. I hung a picture. This room is basically finished, and I am enjoying it today.

I strained my back moving a file cabinet upstairs, or maybe moving the futon mattress. Who knows. I have to be careful now, and do my stretches, and rest. I am pleased that I finished this room this weekend. Next weekend I can devote to my room. It holds the remaining bags and boxes that have not been unpacked. I am nibbling celery. I have not been interested in the candy, but I did make baskets for the kids. Food has not been the focus. In fact, I made a little brunch for us and the kids were not that interested (maybe because they have been nibbling candy, right?). I have a casserole in the fridge to pop in the oven for dinner, and I have salad and raw vegetables ready as well. I will steam some broccoli and cauliflower to have with the casserole. But no one is asking for food so we will eat later.

I feel good. No compulsion to eat. Just enjoying my celery, for now, and then looking forward to a big salad when I do get hungry. The weekend has been busy but good. I am glad I am able to take some time to just rest. I am not troubling myself to accomplish anything else. I keep getting up and cooking, washing dishes, cleaning cat boxes, but then I remind myself to rest.

I wanted a restful Easter. I decided not to have any company. The kids are not interested in doing anything either. We are having a peaceful day. We are going to watch a movie together later, after we have dinner. For now we are each doing our own thing. I felt like we should have a family day and spend time together, but as it has worked out, everyone is tired and not up to much activity. And I accepted that.

Tomorrow morning I weigh in. I will record it and move on. I want to start losing again, and I am now making the effort to do so. The effort of being prepared and devoting time to exercise, planning and food preparation. I did not make it to the gym yesterday, we got back too late from our trip. But I will get there this week. I feel like I got a workout this morning and last night with all the carrying things upstairs and so on. And I walked endlessly around the mall in the evening while my daughter shopped for two hours or more.

Here's to a peaceful afternoon. Peace to all.


Blogger Bea said...

Cindy you have a gift for communicating peace. I read your blog, sigh, stretch and feel much, much better. Glad you had a good day. We did too after I got myself (see blog) under control.

Glad to hear you are going slow with the unpacking. You are creating a home for your family, not just stowing stuff in cupboards.

Good luck at weigh in. Have a fine day. Bea

11:38 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

You are the only person I know except me who likes celery to munch! I far prefer it to carrots...yum. :-)

Glad you had a happy Easter...good luck on your buckle down week this week!

12:02 AM  
Blogger Bea said...

Where are you? Hope you are having a good time.

10:06 AM  

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