Friday, April 27, 2007

Fading Funk

I must be getting better. I am going to count my blessings for the day to make the better feelings grow. Let's see, I went to work, always a miracle, and I actually sat at my desk and did productive work after sitting through a meeting about how much more work we are going to have in addition to what we already do. I need to get some groovy new clothes since I am going to be going to more meetings and have more visibility in the company for a while. I kind of like the idea. I did not eat uncontrollably today. In fact I did pretty good. I had a very good doctor visit with my grandson and his pediatrician. He had lost twenty pounds and is at a normal weight. So living with me helps other people lose weight, not a bad thing... Then I had a very productive evening. I grocery shopped, and stocked up. I cleaned the interior of the car. I did a load of laundry, a load of dishes, and vacuumed the lower level. And, best of all, took the dog and my grandson on a brisk, hilly walk.

I feel good having had a productive day both at work and at home. I feel like I am taking care of things and that I am taking care of myself, too. Tomorrow I visit a friend of mine who moved to Hawaii for a few years when she retired. I really like her, and she was a good friend at work, and I missed her when she left. I am looking forward to that.

I am still having bad interactions with my reflection. Even though when I went shopping yesterday all the size 12 pants I tried on fit, or were a little loose, so I know I am smaller than I used to be, but when I see myself I see all the fat. My stomach seems bigger, and most likely is since I gained four pounds. But I know I am exaggerating my image of myself. I know there is something weird going on there. So I am trying not to focus on it, keep exercising, and wait for better days to come. Maybe I need this experience to push me back into sticking with a plan and really losing more weight. It is dawning on me that I was getting content at the mid 170's - and complacent, and in reality I have not been doing what I did when I was losing.

So, if I focus on the problem the problem will get bigger and if I focus on the solution, the solution will get bigger. For me the solution is a healthy food plan, measuring portions and tracking intake, daily exercise, daily meditation and prayer, helping other people, and letting others help me.

I am happy this evening. And more optimistic than I have been all week. So the Funk is fading for now.


Blogger Lori G. said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. That's pretty good about your grandson losing weight and you had a good day at work. I'd rather be busy at work than not.

I understand the looking at yourself in the mirror concept but look at how you've come. Whenever I watch "What Not To Wear," usually there's a woman who is saying that she has a big stomach and the reality is that she doesn't. It's not washboard thin and it's not a six pack but it's not how she usually describes it. I wonder why we are all so negative about how we look?

I'm just glad you're feeling better and that the funk is disappearing. Have a great weekend!

11:41 PM  

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