Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Staving Off Depression

I feel like I am struggling to stay out of a full blown depression. The feeling hit last week, and I thought it might be in response to the tragedy last Monday. But this week I am really tired, all the time, and struggling to focus on my job. In spite of it I have made sure to exercise each day for the past five days, no matter what. I have walked, and even had my first trip to the gym since reactivating my membership. Maybe it is not depression, could be allergies, or a number of things, but it feels like it, and that is always a little scary. The scary part is when I feel like not doing anything, and that is the part I have to make a big effort to overcome.

So I do things in spite of the feeling. I get out of bed when I would rather stay in. I go to work when I would rather call in. I take a walk when I would rather just stay on the couch and watch TV and eat. I believe the feeling will pass. And I believe that if I take some extra steps now, I can help lessen the negative impact. And maybe avoid a downward spiral. But it is scary because I have lived in this funk before and it is not a good place to be. It can be devastating to my progress, too.

I have noticed over the years that I get this in the Spring. The reason I remember is because I always think it odd to have depression at such a lovely time of year. Last Spring I quit going to the gym and never got back into my routine of regular workouts. I recall other Springs when I sought professional help, and one spring when I planted a flower garden to concentrate on to help my mood. I have even thought that the allergies and sinus troubles I get could make me feel depressed. Who knows, but one thing I want to make sure of is that I do everything to avoid sinking into the abyss.

I did some exercises this morning before I got ready for work. And tonight the dog and I have a date for a nice long walk. Last night I did not clean up the kitchen, and that depresses me, so I want to make sure I tidy it tonight. Waking up to a clean kitchen has a positive psychological impact on me, and waking up to a messy one, well, has the opposite effect. I will enlist the kids to help out. I refuse to be defeated.


Blogger Vickie said...

Do you think that the sunlight helps? Fresh air with your walks is sure to help too. Hope things are better.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

sunlight does help. Sitting on my patio in the fresh air with a good book or magazine is delightful. And the walks are working nicely, too. It is when I have to do stuff, like, work..........Maybe I get depressed when the weather is pretty because I have to work!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Bea said...

You are an inspiration. And you write good too. Reading your writing is like waltzing.

My winter's depression has lifted. Not from the sunlight or spring or even prayers I don't think. I have also fought off depression in the ways you are doing. I have stayed out of the abyss but resented the effort it took. Something has shifted for me. I embraced my shadow self. I'm not totally sure what that statement even means, but all will become clear. I'm also not sure of all the fallout from this yet but I think it may stop my non-physiological (read hormonal) depressions.

Anything bad happen in the past in the spring?

Hang in and hang on. This too shall pass.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

Maybe you are going through a little crash after being on a little high with the new place and decorating. Hang in there.

8:56 AM  

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