Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I wanted to take "before" pictures of myself for my new phase in weightloss. It was not pleasant. I felt I looked frumpier and fatter than when I was heavier. Today is not a day to take pictures. I updated my face picture, though, since that one was from 2004 or 2005 - I can't be sure. I even tried a picture of my feet, but I did not like that either.

I am convinced for the moment that my lack of working out has impacted my mass in such a way that even if I have lost weight, my mass may not be much smaller because muscle takes up less room. So if I was heavier, but had more muscle, and now I am lighter but have more fat, I could be just as fat. Boy, see what our brains do to us? All this thinking. If I just drink a bunch of water and work out regularly for a couple of days I will feel okay. I am ignoring my thoughts about mass for the rest of the day.

I wanted to hold some of my pep talk thoughts from yesterday so I put them in my profile description. I want to hang on to that thinking. That positive thinking. It's all about the thinking today. Reading Daisy's post inspired me to take stock of what I do each day for my recovery from overeating and all the other stuff I recover from for that matter. A simple inventory at intervals of the day to see what I am doing.

So, with that, what have I done today? I had healthy meals that I planned for breakfast and lunch. I did not divert. And I had raw veggies at lunch. I got up on time and had some quiet time, and some relaxation before leaving for work. I watered and fed the flowers outside. I shared it with my grandson, too. I prayed. I read blogs, and commented on blogs. I blogged.
I did my job when I was at work.

It is four thirty in the afternoon. I have a little more work to do for my job. I will do that, and then fix us dinner. I am going to bake myself a sweet potato while I am still working, and thaw some fish so I can have an abstinent meal. I have a plan for dinner. It is a chilly, crisp, sunny spring day and I want to take a walk to that pretty pond/lake with the fountain and swans. I will take the dog, and any kid that wants to go.

That's as far as I can think for now. Each day has a promise of progress so long as I hand it over to the good in the world and to a loving power greater than me.


Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I love your new picture and your updated profile.

I was going to comment on your "period" post yesterday, but was interrupted and failed to.

Anyway, at 43, I am having longer periods and "hungrier" times. Not good. Also more night sweats during this time - so attractive!!

I'm always surprised when every 24 days it starts back up. On occasion I will skip a month, but not as frequent as I would like.

9:16 PM  

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