Friday, April 13, 2007

I love Friday

I am better today. One thing I did yesterday was make MYSELF an appointment with my therapist I used for a year or so who really helped me. I stopped seeing her a little over a year ago. I decided even if it is expensive, it is well worth it. I got an earlier next appointment for my grandson and his psychologist, too.

My eating was so much better yesterday. Here is what I did to respond to the evening munchies - I made extra salad, and some tuna salad. And I let myself eat more, but more of the good foods, I had yogurt and berries, and I had the salad with the tuna salad over it. I ate until I was satisfied. I had this after having dinner with the kids. In my grazing mode, in the hearth room, watching an old movie on TV. I did not have to feel any remorse about it, and I got over the urge to keep on eating. I did find my self looking for sugar in the house and wanting sweets so I had some chunks of pineapple in its natural juices. It worked, and I am really happy about that.

On to today I have healthy stuff packed. I am prepared. My grandson and I have been talking about the things that make him sad, which go beyond the grandmother dying. I had a talk with a good friend who is a therapist and she suggested I offer hugs and comfort, let him know how I wish I could fix it all and if I could I would, and then just comfort him. I tend to feel I need to fix all these things, make it go away or show him some magical way to deal with it. It was a relief to hear her remind me that I cannot fix it, and some of my stress comes from thinking I am responsible for fixing the unfixable. These feelings led me to overeat in the past. And the new me does not want to eat over these feelings and even better, the new me wants to live free of the burden of feeling like I am responsible for fixing them.

I really appreciate the helpful comments from my post yesterday. They were such a help. They eased the burden I was carrying and I had a much better day. The comments put me at ease, and really changed my mood for the better. I feel calm today, and I am living in the solution. I have a therapist appointment to look forward to on Monday. And I have a weekend ahead of me to enjoy. My sister and her family are in from California and are coming to our new place for Sunday brunch. I am looking forward to it. Since the new couch arrives tomorrow we will have the lower level fully functional for company.

Last night I did some unpacking work in my room. It was an overwhelming as I got into the hodge podge of stuff thrown into the last minute bags and boxes. I was looking for the plugs to these decorative lamps in my living room. But they were nowhere to be found. I am sure they will pop up somewhere but I wanted the pretty lamps for company. I did reduce the amount of boxes and my room looks spacious again. There are still boxes and piles of clothes but less than before so there was progress. I am glad I did it but at the time it was quite a chore. I enlisted the kids for a little of it. I told them it was family time. Family time is usually game playing but I introduced the concept that family time can also be working together on a project. They were not impressed.

My job even seems manageable today. And it is the same job with the same huge workload as yesterday. I do not feel guilty about being behind on things. And I feel capable of doing them. What a difference a few kind supportive words can make.

Happy Friday!!!


Blogger Bea said...

I laughed out loud at the family time project response. Glad you are better today. I never thought about salsa and tuna. Yum. I also never thought about using pineapple to stop the sugar search. I do that too and as I have desugared the house have ended up eating some real weird stuff. Have a good weekend.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Lily T said...

I'm glad that you had a good Friday.

It's hard to not want to "fix" things, especially when a loved one is concerned. Recently, my sister wanted to "vent", and I had to grit my teeth to keep myself from offering advice. It's great that you able to do this.

3:13 PM  

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