Saturday, April 28, 2007

Am I a Morning Person?

Most of my life I considered myself a night owl. Perhaps because of the old party life, staying out late, and also because for about ten years I worked nights. My transition into daytime work only emphasized my "night owl" attitude. I hated getting up early, and I still stayed up really late every chance I got. And even now I don't want to get up as early as needed. But the kids keep telling me in the car on the way to work that I must be a morning person because I am always talking cheerfully in the car on the way to school, pointing out trees and flowers along the way, and so on. I do enjoy my weekend mornings very much. Also, I tend to like to do chores in the morning when I am fresh.

So maybe I have finally made the transition, I think it took about 17 years...hee hee. It is 9:44 a.m. and I have already unpacked some more stuff from the odds and ends boxes in my room, put away some clothes, taken my shower and made myself a very good, healthy, abstinent breakfast. I have not had any coffee yet, I am saving that indulgence for when I meet my buddy from Hawaii. Weekend mornings are great for quiet time, too. The kids sleep in a little. There is no rush to get ready for work/school, so I can take some time to read, relax, and get my spiritual house in order, too.

I think the kids got the morning person idea from a TV commercial, but I am going to take it as a compliment, and an optimistic observation. I feel optimistic this morning. Even though I still feel that icky bloat, I am feeling like my food plan will eventually take care of it. It may take a few days to feel stable again, but I can get there. So for the rest of my morning I am going to make a written food plan, read some meditations, have some quiet time, and lay a foundation for a healthy day.


Blogger FunnyBits said...

I haven't taken quiet time in a l ong time. thanks for the reminder.

1:59 AM  

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