Saturday, January 13, 2007

Much can happen in two days

Thursday night I decided we are going to move, even if I have to take a loss on the sale of my house. The school district is not good anymore. So many students test below proficient on the state assessment tests that the curriculum is now impacted. Less electives, more time devoted to the core subjects. No clubs or activities, after school time is devoted to kids who don't do their homework. So much discipline problems that there are no school activities. I compared statistics on districts. Ican do much better for my daughter. She has five years of school before college. I want to put her somewhere where she will not be intimidated and where she can enjoy school and have extracurricular activities at the school. What really pushed me to the limit was my particular subdivision. There is a large group of teenagers who are disrespectful, loud, intimidating and basically want to behave like they are in gangs. Profanity, gang references. It started in the past year and it is getting worse. I have tried calling the police about the noise and profanity, but they don't really do anything. Plus, I am tired of supervising this corner of the neighborhood. It is not worth it. I thought I saw some sort of gun in the hand of a kid Thursday night and that is the final straw. I kept trying to give them all the benefit of the doubt. It is a lifestyle difference, and I can't adapt. I am not going to fight the battle of the declining neighborhood while my daughter gets a substandard education.
So I got busy this morning or actually Friday morning, and called the mortgage company for the payoff on the house - I just bought it 15 months ago, a lamb led to the slaughter, I wanted my daughter to stay in the same school district (hah!) because at the time she was still in grade school and things seemed okay but in reality there were signs, I am just so much to myself, I did not know anyone with kids in the middle school. And for some reason people just don't really talk about what's going on here as far as the schools go, there's some code they speak in about it, and I did not know the code I guess. So I ended upon the phone with the mortgage guy getting myself pre approved for a loan to buy another house, and I also talked to one agent who will come see my house this weekend. I am going to call another agent as well. My main concern is selling this one. It will be a miracle to get what I owe on it. The market has changed and the area has gone down in prices for some of the homes. But I don't feel trapped anymore. I felt trapped before, like I had to stay, even though I had begun to realize that the best thing would be to move. Thursday night I decided I would move even if I had to sell the house, and move to an apartment so long as I could get a better school district. It is so nice that I can get data on school districts, too. I am an experienced home buyer now and I have learned some lessons. I like my house a lot. It's a nice house, but we have to move on. But I really do love house shopping!
Well, that's been my preoccupation the past 30 hours or so but I feel much better. I made a decision and took actions. I did not overeat. If anything I ate less. When I get on a roll with something like this nowadays, I tend to forget food. I still think that is so funny, me forgetting food.

So another adventure.

We are also having ice. Falling from the sky that is. My power may go out. I have canned goods, dry goods, batteries and such. Candles, etc. I have what I need for today and my daughter is happy. I think I'll get some sleep now and rest up for the days to come. I feel some new weight loss coming on. I may be iced in for the weekend but I can still get lots of exercise getting this house ready to show. Thank you to anyone who made it through this long ramble of mine!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were faced with something similar at our old house - nothing dangerous - and I agree - YOU just need to get OUT - however you have to.

Ours was a nice neighborhood that did not have an ordinance against rentals - one builder built too many houses - all at once - couldn't sell them fast enough - and turned them into rentals. Too many in one concentrated area - really drags it down - no matter how nice the people - if they rent instead of own - a house - with no property agent involved - they just do not maintain.

Look hard for all your options.

I have known people who have rented half a house from an elderly person that needed someone there - not to DO anything - but just to be around - I can see that a single/working mom with a daughter - this "grandma" thing might be an option for a while.

I had another single mom friend that "managed" a small group of apartments in a super nice area. This involved a little book work and calling repair people and being on site - she did not Do any cleaning or repairing herself.

I also had a friend that "house sat" REALLY nice houses that were in a high end price range and were slow to sell. The owners had moved out of town (job changes usually) and did not want the house empty. Sometimes she lived in them for a full year - they had to be kept ready to "show" and she had to deal with showings - but in exchange for her work in upkeep - she lived there for expenses only.

There might be something short term - that would allow you to recoop your money - and get you in the right area - perhaps even beyond the right area - the BEST area - with a little investigation.

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am at 148 and "going to 140" and I realized a while back that 140 is going to be my new HIGH weight - so I guess I actually still have 10 pounds to go - because to be high at 140- I need to BE at 138.

7:46 AM  

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