Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Post Thanksgiving

I have been home two days and have not gotten caught up on anything. Housework, work at the office, blogging, etc. My daughter got sick during our getaway and Monday she was in bad shape, with an ear infection. I had to work from home that day and take her to the doctor, get meds, and nurse her back to health. My holiday went well, though. And for the first time in I can't remember, I did not get that uncomfortable too-full feeling after having Thanksgiving dinner. It was really nice. I ate what I liked and did not feel deprived but I did not overdo it with extra servings. I even took a long break between dinner and dessert, making a trip into "town" with my father on a quest for more sparkling apple cider. I did have pie, my Mom makes great pie. But I did not keep going after that. I was lucky not to turn it into an all nighter. Maybe the pie set the wheels in motion for my later encounter with the granola bars on Friday night after I got to the cabin for the second part of our four day weekend. But that's all over now. It was a nice weekend. I noticed that my portions of food are smaller now, with less effort. That is a nice feeling. But I am getting back into my routine now, and I am finding less struggle with food this week. I think anytime I eat certain foods I take a risk of going into full binge mode, and continuing for days with more food. I may get to the point where I no longer take the chance. This weekend I was not at that point yet, and I am glad I survived without any major consequences.
Right now I am obsessed with electronics. I have shopped cameras, Ipods and now I am looking into a new laptop for me. I don't want to spend a whole lot but I have already ruled out the low-end. Hoping to find something reasonable that meets my needs. Shopping electronics stresses me out. There are so many specs and so many choices. And I get on a mission, and can't stop thinking of it until I finally make my decision. I am trying to slow down on the laptop purchase so I don't make a hastey mistake. Maybe that's why I am not eating much, I have found a substitute to obsess over!


Blogger Vickie said...

I had been wondering about you - glad things went well - hope your daughter continues to feel better. I know what you mean about electronics - hard to decide!!!

5:39 AM  

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