Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I survived last week's enormous cravings and the pop tart binge. My Saturday weigh in was stable, holding at the same as the week before. But today I had a breakthrough and lost a pound. I am now entering the 150's. My appetite is stable in spite of a stressful family situation. I have a brother who is mentally challenged. He lives independently working part time and staying at a boarding house where he has rented a room for six years. He walks everywhere he goes. He has a somewhat odd (by most standards) religious ideology and he is sometimes hard to deal with. The boardinghouse is closing and he has to move. But he has been waiting for the Lord to tell him what to do. I think the Lord is telling him I will move him to my Mom and Dad's. Which is basically what I suppose I am going to do. I went to see him and he has not even packed. I have a small car and my mom and dad live 125 miles away. He is supposed to be out by the 19th which is tomorrow, and I just now found out about this on Sunday.

I am beyond eating over it. In fact, I may have lost my appetite. He does not have a whole lot of stuff but I have no time for this (but of course will make time) and it is not a part of my plan this week which was to get tons of work done for my job so I can enjoy my time off which starts after Friday and goes to the 3rd of January. Grandson leaves Friday for 5 days with his mother and I want to do some Christmassy things with him. But I will squeeze in moving the brother. I was annoyed with him. But it does no good to be annoyed. A good friend said it is like being angry with the wind.

So, hopefully I can get my cardio in. I visited brother instead of going to the gym after taking grandson Christmas shopping and looking at Christmas lights last night. I was exhausted. Overwhelmed and went to bed after spending time with daughter. Daughter had to go back to the doctor for ear infection, but luckily there was no mono or strep. So last week's mini crisis is over and on to new challenges. Had a heart to heart talk with my boss's boss today regarding my concerns about my job. It is a weird week but I am going to move down a notch to place myself squarely into the 150's. Then I can use the "at least" clause that Francis talks about in her book. I can say "at least I lost a pound" or "at least I did not overeat" or "at least I didn't gain" - it appears to me to day that I have more control over my eating than any of the other things in my life.

Time to put a dent in my swelling workload. I just keep thinking about being off for 11 days in a row. Ahhhhhhhh

One more thing, lately I think I look older in the face with the loss of weight, lines and wrinkles showing up since they are not filled with fat....but I guess it's a trade off. Maybe I will stop at 155 and focus on toning and sculpting what I have left. Keep some fat around to avoid the wrinkle/line thing...hmmmmmmmm

More will be revealed.


Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I hope you get your brother moved and aren't too tired by Friday.

I'm trying very hard today to stop the grazing. Maybe duct tape will help.

I admire your calmness.

I worry about the wrinkles too should my face ever have just one chin again.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Bea said...

Hey Cindy, I leave for a couple of months and you lose more weight. Like Vickie, you are rapidly becoming one of my weight loss heroines. You have troubles, you cope, and you lose weight.

Prayers for your move. I guess to be alive is to move. I need to staple that phrase to my forehead.

Glad to be back with you.

11:12 AM  

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