Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Daredevil Phase

I have been so preoccupied with trying to do this WW thing that I forgot to mention my daredevil phase. All summer when I went to the theme park I wanted to do the "Dragon's Wing" drop. It is not a ride. You pay extra to be pulled dangling on your belly in a harness, up 183 feet in the air. After you get to the top, you pull a cord and you drop, free falling through the air down the 183 feet. When you reach the end of the cable holding you, you swing, or soar rather, back and forth, far up in the air a few times until you swing slow enough to grab hold of a loop they hold out, which pulls you to a stop. I finally found someone to do it with me ( a friend) and we did it Saturday. She was scared and almost backed out. I was mesmerized by the thought and could barely pay attention to the instructions which were actually simple. It was awesome. I liked watching the ground get further and further away. I was disappointed when we stopped that we were not higher up. I was the chord puller. It was amazing. I loved it. I had a huge sense of well being for hours and hours afterwards. I wish I could do it once a week or perhaps twice. It made the most thrilling park rides seem relaxing.

I would not have done this a year ago at my heavier weight. I am getting in touch with my thrill seeking daredevil side. I now want to jump out of an airplane. I may do it on my 50th birthday if I can wait that long. I love heights, always have. I have taken to sitting on my garage roof looking at the stars lately, but condo association maintenance left me a little note telling me to cease. If only I had not left my comforter out there! So I am looking at ways to challenge myself and get fairly safe thrills. It makes my brain feel good. Probably because my brain lacks certain chemicals anyway (the whole depression thing). Anything that gets an endorphin release is good for me, exercise, and so on. I have been riding my bike up big hills the past few days. Challenging myself physically makes me feel good.

So perhaps I am entering a new phase, the daredevil thrill seeker unleashed!


Blogger Helen said...

Yikes!! I so would not have the courage to do that (or, honestly, the desire). I am no daredevil...well, except for extreme camping in the desert for a week with a severely broken toe at Burning Man! ;-) Go for all these daredevil dreams...good for you!!

1:33 PM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I am so not ever going to jump out of an airplane, unless someone is forcing me.

But, good luck to you on that!!!

8:57 AM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

You're so cool! I would love to go to an amusement park and ride something but I don't know anyone to go with me. I don't know if I could do the Dragon Drop or jump out of an airplane (highly unlikely) but I love roller coasters. (Or at least I did some years ago. Who knows now?)

That's hysterical that your condo association griped at you about being on your garage roof. Maybe if you had left a quilt of appropriate colors, it might have been okay? ;-)

9:04 PM  
Blogger Frances Kuffel said...


I can't say I'd originate the thought, & in fact the thought of it makes me queasy. But I think if a good friend asked me to do it...I might...& then I might find out something new about myself.

Which is the point, isn't it, of losing weight?

Very proud of you!

11:39 AM  

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