Friday, March 16, 2007

Positive Notes for Friday

It is the end of another up and down week and I have been feeling like the pounds I gained are not a fluctuation, and will take longer to go away. Mostly because I have been inconsistent. If I can put together some good days all in a row, I can get back to normal, or at least my new normal. And I believe I can do this. Yesterday I tracked calories and did great all day, but then it kind of fell apart in the evening. So I just need to get my evenings stabilized and I can move on from this whole incident.

One pleasant discovery I made when I started doing floor exercises again is that it is much easier to do certain abdominal crunches now since my belly is smaller. I can actually touch my elbows to my knees easily. I don't recall being able to do that. I have had an entire year of diminishing exercise. Last year at this time I hit a depression, and I stopped going to the gym for about three weeks straight and I never picked up with my routine again, but I did go, just not like I had been going the year prior. I swam and I went to the gym off and on, but not like I used to. I have had a variety of exercise activities, but I want more time spent and at regular intervals.

So, each morning this week I have been working on my abs at home when I get up. And I have been using weights for arms and shoulders and back. Also some stretching. I can't wait to try some of my more challenging videos now that I have made the discovery that some moves are easier with less belly. That is a motivator in the face of this unpleasant little gain from the past two weeks. So I am going to focus on the positive, and not the negative.

So much for me is generated by attitude and what I think. If I think about the negative I seem to do negative things. If I think about positives over and over, I tend to take positive actions. It can be a small victory used as a catalyst for even more progress. There is always something positive to find. Believe me, I know. I have much experience digging for gratitude on some very bleak days. I will spare the details for now.

I have been dogged by backed up housework. It looms over me like grey cloud when I get home, but this morning, fueled by the easier ab moves, I did some laundry, reduced the volume and was able to stash the rest in the hamper making it all seem organized and do-able. My room will be tackled this evening but my strategy is to take a small area, count that victory and build upon it. I find a correlation sometimes with my eating habits and the condition of my house, meaning that at times when I feel frozen or stuck in a rut of overwhelming household backlog, I also see the scale go up a bit, or I find myself reaching for food. It is that chaotic feeling I get, the out of control feeling that drives me.

None of this is going to get to me today, though. I know what it is and I have a solution for it. Take it a bit at a time, focus on the positives, build on little victories, and above all, keep moving in the right direction, even if progress is slower than I hope for.

Happy Friday!


Blogger Bea said...

"If I think about positive things over and over I tend to take positive actions." Ain't it the truth.

One of my most troubling traits is my tendency to calamitize everything. When one thing goes wrong, everything is wrong. Part and parcel of my black and white thinking I suppose. I have to consciously think about positive things to counteract my melancholy temperament. Great post.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Kimkins Chick said...

Isn't it fascinating how we allow our self esteem to be determined by whether we have a clean house, whether we've remained on our diet and whether we got in exercise or not? I, like you, am getting back into exercise and I feel great when I am following my "plan" perfectly each day. One off day and it makes me feel depressed and worthless at times. It's nuts and I'm working to change those crazy black and white thoughts, but I know how you feel! Life can't be perfect, even though I try to get it that way. Keep writing, I love your blog!

12:49 PM  

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