Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Outdoor Exercise

Tonight we went to the park and I walked up and down a steep hill for exercise. It was great to get fresh air and both the kids got fresh air and outdoor exercise, too. I want to get more of this family exercise activity going, especially with weather being nice. Today was a particularly stressful and somewhat emotional day for me so the outdoor outing helped me relax and feel good.

I started my day taking my daughter and her broken retainer (she has not had it two weeks yet) to the orthodontist, and then I took her to the doctor. So I was running late for work - two hours in fact. Then when I got there I had an e-mail about the trip in April, but much to my shock it also referenced a trip in May lasting a week as well. I pretty much lost it at that point. I had also gotten a phone call in my car as I was pulling into work from one of my sons and that call had not gone too well and I was having parental guilt for not being able to be all things to all people. The trip added to my feelings of being unable to take care of everyone and do all things for work, too. I cried in my office, I cried on the phone to my Mom and then I kind of went into a bit of a bad attitude but I had not time to ponder because there was this massive amount of work to do on a deal that unexpectedly took up my entire day. So after being hugely busy for while on that I fell into an acceptance state and just did not worry anymore. Sort of a "whatever" mode.

Anyway, I don't know if these trips will even materialize, but I am signing up for them and doing it. As long as the kids are taken care of. But I do know one thing, I am going to get out and get more exercise in the fresh air while the weather lasts. I am a nature person, so I am looking forward to moving nearer to some trails that run along the Missouri river - they are great for bike riding and walking. I also really enjoy the hill climbing and my area is hilly. Biking, hiking, swimming are all things I naturally like. Walking the dog. All of these. They have added benefits like spending quality time with the kids/dog, getting fresh air, relieving stress.

So that's my thought for the day. Other than that I am eating less this week compared to last week but still need to improve. Progress, not perfection.


Blogger Bea said...

Cindy did you read BigAssBelle blog today? I think she could use your help. Sounds like you are handling pretty darn well. Isn't it nice to go outside. Our snow pile is only a couple three feet high now. Spring is coming!

7:15 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

I love snow but I am really liking spring this year.

9:30 PM  

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