Monday, November 06, 2006

Post Halloween Candy Baskets and Other Thoughts

There's a candy basket at work by our printer. Everyday someone brings in their leftover Halloween candy and fills it back up. This has been going on since Halloween, and before Halloween as a matter of fact. I disposed of all of my candy the night of Halloween. Unfortunately some of it was "disposed" to my thighs, belly or rear end. I am not quite sure. I'd like to dump that basket in the trash every day until they are all out of their stuff. But some people, not me, can eat a piece or two without consequence. And I suppose they deserve their treat.

I have been abstaining from the basket now. I have the "it's not an option" attitude going again instead of the insane "I'll just have one" state of mind. I feel safe in the not-an-option zone. When I am in the other zone I feel nervous. Nervous isn't fun anymore. It isn't excitement, its just plain nervous. Maybe I got the two mixed up and somehow enjoyed the nervousness thinking it was excitement but right now I am opting for the calm.

Somebody dumped a bag of Milk Duds in the basket today. Milk Duds are sticky and hard for me to eat, and they are really bad for the teeth. I can't even use the "I'll bring a few home for Haley" insane excuse because she has braces and Milk Duds are bad for braces. I like the visual image of dumping them in the trash. I am going to use that every time I think of them. It’s just a mental picture of all of them pouring out of the basket and into the trash. And then, a mental picture of myself, buying new, skinny fitting clothes.

I read some short little readings over the weekend about goal setting using pictures and visualization. So I am practicing that today. I may even cut pictures out of magazines and make one of those little scrap books. I am willing to try anything positive right now. I have a goal weight now, it's 145. I picked it because that is what my driver's license says and I am tired of living a lie. I have lied about my weight ever since gaining it all. I lied on those online dating profiles - anything from "a few extra pounds" I think 40 or 50 is more than a few - to "athletic" They don't say what sport do they? - or average... voluptuous. So I have goal weight and I can visualize what it might look like, too. Today it's about 43 pounds away. But I am picturing happy milestones along the way. Like what the face of my scale will look like when it shows a new number I have not seen in about 6 or 7 years, like something, anything in the 170's. And I can picture going on a canoe trip in the spring. Last time I went in a canoe, the water was low and I had to keep getting out so it would not drag. My end dragged bottom. It was telling. I am going to start a journal of goals with mental pictures and find real pictures to match up. Then I will look at it at least once per day

Right now I better picture getting some work off my desk.


Blogger Lori G. said...

Why not (when no one's looking) throw out the candy at the end of the day? No harm, no foul.


11:22 AM  
Blogger Vickie said...

Pitching candy sounds good to me too.

I LOVED the goal of the number on the drivers license - if ever there was a reason for a goal number that is a good one!!!

11:26 AM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I used to send all leftover candy to work with husband, (but that stopped after reading comments on the AFG post) - I think tossing it in trash can prior to leaving the office is a good idea.

8:38 AM  

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