Saturday, March 29, 2008


It happened this morning at 6:30 a.m after I got home from Manfriend's. I got on the scale feeling like I'd see a loss. I saw the 156 on the scale. That is officially 50 pounds from my high weigh in at the doctor's office on January 3, 2005 when I begged him for help. I never thought I'd see a 50 pound loss and it took over three years but it has been worth it. The three years have shown a steady decline in weight. Weight I never gained back. It is a miracle and amazing. Most of the weight has been lost since I started blogging in the summer of 2006. I don't think I could have done it without the blogging. I lost 38 pounds since blogging and am keeping it off. This is too amazing for words.

I have been planning and tracking for a few weeks now since my prednisone and that is why I have been able to move the number on the scale again. I may fluctuate up and down around that number for a few days but seeing that number today is enough for me.

Thanks everyone. Could not do this without you!!!


Blogger ar said...

This is fantastic Cindy. Must have been a joyful experience for you to see the new weight. Looks as though your tracking of food has paid off huge dividends. You are so right about the blogs. They make an enormous difference to me as well. Like a big miracle for me. :>)

11:43 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Since it worked so good so far I am motivated to keep on tracking. I do not eat perfectly by any means but I stay within some parameters. I went to the gym today even though I was kinda tired. More motivation.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Vickie said...

Many congrats - the best part is that you can be proud of your self and (seem to have) found focus and peace.

3:17 AM  
Blogger Laura N said...

Congrats on the 50!!! Sorry I'm late to the party, but I am happy to celebrate with you. That is so great. You and I are neck and neck on the scale, girlie. I know that normal BMI will by yours by the end of April. I'd love to be there with you, but alas, I fear I'm not quite as geared up motivation wise as you are. I'm getting close, though. I will be watching you for inspiration. =)

3:41 PM  

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