Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Mid Week Check in

My appetite spiked for the past two or three days. Reminiscent of PMS. I just made sure I did my cardio at the gym, and tried not to get too freaked out about it. I had stressful weekend so it could be relief eating. My brother is not exactly normal. He says the Lord tells him stuff and some stuff does not really sound like the Lord to me. The boardinghouse where he has lived for six years (including the last 4 or so when the Lord started telling him stuff) has been sold and everyone has left but him. He said the Lord gave it to him so the real owner had him served with eviction stuff. I have intervened and am working it all out. Saturday, the Lord told him to give some stuff away - stuff that does not belong to him - so someone called the cops as he and the recipient of the Lord's blessing were loading some tools onto the recipient's truck. Luckily after talking to him, the cops took him for evaluation at the hospital instead of jail. I have worked that out also. He has somewhere to move, but needs to go through his stuff and figure out what to take and what to store at my house. The new place is smaller. I have been spending time with him. The Lord told him to listen to me. He does not live far away. He still works a part time job and is pretty independent. So long as the Lord does not tell him to give anyone else's stuff away, he stays out of trouble.

So I have that going on now in addition to the regular stuff. I am a bit tired and my house is a mess since I was not tending to it when I was tending to Brother's issues. When the house is out of controlI feel a little out of control. And I am more tempted to eat weird. But today I feel calm and OK. And I have not really gained. Must be the cardio saving me. I did an hour last night. It calms me down. Today I have eaten a sane diet. I even wrote down what I ate and tallied it up. I feel back to normal. Maybe tonight I will get the kitchen under control, and then the bird cages and cat boxes at a bare minimum. Someday, oh someday, I will organize my bedroom again.

I shopped for bra's on my lunch hour today - an absolute necessity. I've been searching relentlessly for a while now and it's been frustrating. Today I struck gold and bought four. My old stuff was stretched out and ill fitted and it was really getting to me. When I got back to work I changed into one and threw the one I had on away. I feel so much better. Now I won't ever try and wear that one again. I also picked up a pair of corduroy pants on clearance. I swore I'd never wear corduroy pants (some idea I have that they add bulk, probably silly, right?). I ran across a rather unusual paisley print - grey/black - pair on clearance that came in an 8 (stretch of course). Tried them on for a lark and ended up loving them. So sixties, or something. I think I will have to post a photo. Most of my work pants are baggy. I bought a couple of new pairs that fit better and just need to toss the ones from last summer that I don't like so I don't keep trying to wear them. I have an aversion to baggy and saggy pants. Probably because I still really feel baggy and saggy.

I also bought an exercise ball to address some of the baggy saggy areas of my body. This time the kids are too old to take it over and ruin it. Plus it will stay in my room since my room is big enough for exercise. I hope I use it, along with the yoga video. I spent 125 dollars for 4 bra's; one exercise ball; one pair of wild pants; three pair of sox; one fancy sleeveless top; one blouse; and two cute knit three-quarter lengthed sleeve tops. I think I got a lot for my money. January clearance is the best.

More will be revealed. That's my report.


Blogger Vickie said...

You did get a lot for your money. And you are very smart to just pitch the saggy stuff immediately - otherwise you might fall back to it. Bras make all the difference in the world - in my opinion.

3:05 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

I had to laugh at The Lord telling your Brother to give stuff away and that the house was his although I know it is far from funny to you to have to deal with. I hope he will be ok.

I've been on the hunt for bras lately too...I hate paying too much and the ones I have are losing steam. I'm hoping to get some for my upcoming b-day.

Sounds like you did great on volume of stuff for money...I love bargains! And the pants sound gorgeous...totally my style (if a size I'll never see again!). Post photos! :-)

3:00 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Believe me, I have been able to laugh about it, otherwise I may not survive. I am taking it mostly in good humor with a few moments of lost patience. The Lord is now telling him to move sooner than the end of the month so I think I may be able to wrap this little episode up this weekend. Thank the Lord!!

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happened to come across your posts and am enjoying them. Its just nice to know that we are not alone.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

You're a great shopper, Cindy! You got some fantastic deals.

I had a brother-in-law who was quite sure what the Lord wanted him (BIL) to do. It was pretty funny how it worked out always in his favor. I agree with Helen, I had to laugh too even though I know it was a pain to deal with. I'm glad he's being agreeable to work you and the Lord. :-)

(At least you and the Lord are on the same page, Cindy!)

7:04 PM  

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