Thursday, January 03, 2008

I'm Back

I took a true vacation from work at the end of the year. I was off from the 21st of December until today. I decided not to touch my computer because if I did, I would most likely log onto my work e-mails and read them. So this is the first day I have been on a computer in nearly two weeks. My time off was wonderful, but busy. I managed to not gain any weight, and to keep up with my regular cardio work out at the gym. I missed a couple of days, maybe three due to holidays. I had time with family and some really nice time with my new man friend. My weight stayed around 158-159 but hopped up once in a while. I still weigh every day just to check in and stay in reality. Today is the weight watcher weigh in. I feel I am up a bit due to some swelling/water retention from my high sodium new year's dinner. I made a really nice pork tenderloin, but used bacon in my green beans and baked beans. After all, it was a holiday meal, so I splurged with some fat. The beans were quite yummy. I never have bacon in the house and regard it as pure evil as food goes. I use turkey bacon if I have bacon. But like I said it was New Years and I splurged. Just feel a bit swelly in the feet. Have been enjoying the leftovers.

The cardio is still amazing. I did an hour yesterday. Also, sometime in the past few weeks or so I bought size 8 jeans - a new thing for me. And I also tried a size 8 skirt on and had the surreal experience of it being a tad loose in the waist. These things don't happen to me. I still wear a comfortable ten in pants, also. It just depends on the pants. I feel the cardio helping take my size down. Most days I don't feel like going down much more than another 5-10 pounds. I have decided to work on toning up, and getting closer to 150, and then see how I feel. A friend gave me a beginner yoga video and I am looking forward to checking it out. I feel like I can actually do it now. Also, I picked up a size S top on a clearance rack and it fit, snug but in a good way. Size S does not happen for me. I mostly wear an L and now at times an M. So these are surreal experiences attributed to size variances and a slightly shrinking body. I really loved the cut of that size S so I was determined to force it on my body. Since it was stretchy, it worked out surprisingly well.

I do a year end review every year. Tallying up the year's events, looking at progress and projecting areas for growth in the upcoming year. I have already identified that this year I want to improve my housekeeping and organization. I also want to cook more and have people over to eat. I had Manfriend over for Christmas Eve and New Year's dinner and it was nice. Would like to start including others. I have a brisket to cook with cabbage on Saturday and will see who I can entice over to eat it. Sharing the food means less for me, right? And having people over and feeding them gives me joy.

I feel refreshed and ready to take on my job and the new year. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for my life and the people in it. Never a day goes by anymore that I cannot find something amazing about life. Something to rejoice about. Maybe it is because of what I have been through in my life and the challenges I still face. I went to church with Manfriend on Christmas Eve. My daughter went with us. I had not been to church in a long time. We just went to the church close to my house for the 11 pm service. Then on this past Sunday I went with him to his church. I think that of all the churches I have been to in my quest for a church, his is the one where I felt the most at ease and the most sense of belonging. More will be revealed on that. I hope to go back again this Sunday.

I will be working on my year end review this month and will share any wisdom I gain from it. One thing I already know is how grateful I am for all the wonderful support and friendship I have found here in the blogs. So thanks everybody. I missed you when I was off! And thanks for all of the awesome support and friendship!!!

PS - a word about Manfriend. Saw him in a tank top and sweats one day when I stopped by and became completely intimidated. I had no idea how big and muscular he was. It kinda freaked me out. I knew he was a powerlifter (used to compete) /body builder /trainer from way back but never really focused on his physique. Yikes. I feel like mush compared to him. When we talk about working out - which is not often - I just tell him I'm a girl and all I really want is some soft definition. I certainly don't want to look like him but I can appreciate that he knows what he is doing. The only suggestion he ever made to me was to do cardio only for 6-8 weeks before I got on the weights again after my car accident. Something about building strength and endurance. I find myself wondering what Mr. muscle man is doing with Ms. mush but I avoid that type of thinking today. Must be my personality, right?


Blogger Helen said...

Glad to have you back, Cindy! And congratulations on keeping your weight on an even keel over the holiday. I have thought a lot about this this year and I really do think that keeping up regular (and maybe a little more) exercise during this time is the KEY to maintaining. Happy New Year! P.S. You had twins LAST YEAR? How did I miss that??? Anyway, I think Jan. 2 is a darn fine birthday. ;-)

12:29 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

MAJOR CORRECTION Twins in 1977...yikes....big difference. sorry about that.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful holiday and some well deserved time off. You did fantastic with the exercise and the food. And, as usual, you kept your great positive mental attitude going. You enjoyed Christmas and the holidays and that's the important thing.

Happy New Year, Cindy!

2:04 PM  
Blogger Vickie said...

I am very glad that you had a good holiday too (next time please post a "gone fishing" note) and you are right - if work is tied to the computer - if you were on for fun - it would be a hop, skip and jump and you would be knee deep again. I hadn't realized that your boys were twins. What a lot of adjustment that had to have been.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

You are doing so great. Glad you are back on line.

5:09 PM  

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