Thursday, July 03, 2008

A Thursday that's a Friday!!!

What could be better than that?? And I took Monday off so I have four days!!! It's Grandson's B-day on Monday so I took off to do whatever he feels like doing. He is at his Mom's and will come home tomorrow. We may go to the theme park for the later part of the day since they have fireworks. But I am just taking things loosely, seeing how we feel and what the weather does. I live in the land of sagging clouds and swelling rivers....

So, about shorts. I tried to go for longer ones, but the ones that show more thigh actually looked better. I reason that this is because my thighs are biggest at the top, and the long ones show that bigness but don't show the smaller parts of my thighs. I tried on every kind of shorts and found that hitting mid-thigh worked best but it did give me that naked feeling. My daughter says that my shorts are "long" but to me they are short. I need to do pictures to demonstrate. Maybe with four days off I can get to it.

Last night the Weed brought steaks over and cooked me dinner. He bought all the food, and prepared all the food, set the table, and so forth. We ate, hung out in the kitchen for just a little bit, and then he left to go visit his son. I love anything that is cooked for me by someone else. It was nice and nice that he left shortly thereafter. I don't eat steak much, and did not eat a huge portion. But it was very tasty. I also had baked potato and cauliflower with cheese sauce, a somewhat small portion of that, mixed it with my baked potato and threw in jalapeno peppers. After he left I had the urge to eat more food. I had sent all the leftovers home with him. The only thing sweet in the house was graham crackers... I did more eating but not too bad and then went to bed.

The "more" feeling still kicks in sometimes. Especially after a really enjoyable meal. The mystery of "more" may never fully be solved. It happens for a variety of reasons I am sure. When I have a "more" day or evening, I try and balance things out by following up with a "less" day. I am shooting for balance here.. and the ability to eat without guilt. Emotional stability. And any other kind of stability I can accomplish. I finished When Food is Love. It was a very good book for me. I probably read it at just the right point in my life, at a time when I can use the information constructively.

I did my performance review for this fiscal year yesterday at work. I found that overall this was a good year for me as far as I am concerned. I gave myself a good rating and focused on the positives. We already had a meeting in March about negatives so I did not even touch on that. I tend to take one negative and let it color my view of everything. I refuse to do that now. There is too much positive to look at. And I do believe that what we think upon grows!! So I am growing great thoughts today!

Happy Holidays!!


Blogger Laura N said...

Have a great time with your grandson!

I am the exact same with shorts. I currently only have one pair that fits (what's up with that? I have no idea), but it is a shorter, mid thigh short. My skorts hit at or just above my knee. But get in that middle ground between mid and lower thigh and it is ugly.

Glad you had a nice cooked meal w/ no complications.

Enjoy your 4 days off!!

12:00 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

I too am the same with shorts...the longer ones just seem to accentuate my thighs and butt because my lower legs are so much skinnier. The longer naked leg actually makes me look thinner. :-)

Have a great weekend!

12:38 PM  

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