Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 5 Better Spirits

I am in a much better mood today even though the cold is still raging. I did not eat much yesterday. But it was on plan. Then at night (ah yes, the evil night eating) I had a pop tart and a half. I am keeping it all in perspective. I have not lost any weight yet but I fully expect to sometime because for over 90% of the week I have been doing good. It's just a bad week for exercise, and my health sucks.

I am in great spirits though this morning with some energy. Probably because I am leaving two hours early today and it's a three day weekend. I have my food for the day in the fridge at work so I am prepared. I am not hungry though. That's the problem. I am not hungry for anything, and then I get sugar craving.....whatever.

I am letting it all go today. I want to be happy and enjoy the day being productive. A woman at work, don't even know her name came up behind me while I was talking to my secretary and asked me how I lost weight and just kept repeating how great I looked, etc. She must be my guardian angel. I really needed the boost. No pop tart can take that away from me today.

Maybe all the snot in my head is keeping the scale from going down. That's it, right?


Blogger Laura N said...

Ha, yes, it's the weight of the snot, for sure. =)

Really, though, I think being sick does curtail weight loss, so you'll see the scale move soon. You've got good perspectives on the slips. If I were you and you go through the "not hungrys" much longer, I'd start eating small protein/veggie meals every 3-4 hours, regardless of if you feel hungry. You need to fuel your body, and if you aren't because you don't "feel" hungry, you probably will get those sugar cravings. So, maybe try that and see if it helps. I often don't get hungry by my stomach but by a headache. And then it's often too late and I already feel crappy and want anything and everything (I'm usu. short on sleep when this happens, too).

1:46 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

I've heard that snot weighs at least 2 lbs per quarter teaspoon. ;-)

Also, the less you weigh, the harder it is to don't worry, it will come off...I know it!

3:22 PM  

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