Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday is almost Friday

I am still making better choices in food, but probably not better enough to lose any weight. But enough to perhaps not gain. I feel like I have been on this plateau for a long, long time. This plateau, however, is much better than where I was even year ago. I think I am about ten pounds down from then, and a whole thirty something down from the year before, and a total of 44 down from 2005. I need to remind myself of that when I start feeling frustrated. I look at old blog entries and celebrate progress.

I'd still like to get to 155 and see what that is like. It's a mere 5-7 pounds away. A couple of weeks on a good food plan would take those off and then I could see if that's where I want to stay. I've been feeling sickish this week and have not been to the gym. I am going to go for a while this afternoon. I moved brother's things on Tuesday night with the help of ManFriend and my buddy Joe. It went pretty easy. I helped and it made my shoulder and back sore.

I feel I am having some sort of relationship moment with ManFriend. I want to have a talk with him about a situation that involves an ex girlfriend of his. In this conversation will be questions about what our relationship is. I need to do for myself, so I decide how to proceed in this relationship. It is a little scary for me. I am afraid of what I might find out and feel like a wimp. I was really hurt by the situation I got in last summer, and that guy was miserable. I actually respect this one and share many things with him already. I feel strong enough and worthy enough to ask the things I want to ask. Depending on how it goes, I could be backing off of the relationship a little. You know what, though, it's honestly not that scary after all. I feel secure enough with myself and my life to know that my overall happiness and self worth are not dependent on what happens with this man. At least I feel like that most of the time.

I am not wild about fear. It causes all kinds of problems. None of which can be solved by food. Speaking of food the girl scout cookies came today and I ate thin mints, more than enough. But I am satisfied and finished with them. I had my fill. I am going to respond to fear by reading uplifting things, by making positive statements in my head, by looking back at my life and seeing how many things I have overcome, and doing good, healthy things for myself.


Blogger Helen said...

Good luck with your "relationship moment"!!! It sounds like you are being reasonable with both that and your eating and that is ALL GOOD. :-)

3:22 PM  
Blogger ar said...

I am the same Cindy. And the longer I ruminate over the issue I have to confront, the worse the fear gets. Sometimes I find that the longer I ruminate the more abstract and unreal it gets. But looks as though you are really strong with feet firmly planted and rock solid, so can only have a good ending, whichever way. Who knows, maybe subconsciously once this has been resolved for you, you will see your weight coming down in a number of pounds. ar :>)

7:30 AM  

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