Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I want to gain discipline this year. The thought just came to me that taking time to post more often is a little bit of discipline that goes a long way. Just a few minutes in the morning to help set my day on track. Today I am thinking of how precious life is. In the past couple of weeks two people I know directly and indirectly have had strokes and are in the hospital, two people that manfriend knows have died unexpectedly, and several people are sick and have been for a while. I'm pretty healthy these days and I don't take that for granted. I have an ache or a pain here and there, and I want to lose that last ten pounds or so, but overall I am pretty happy with my physical state. Maybe because it has been so much worse, I appreciate it now.

But larger than that, life seems delicate and precious. We never know what's going to happen, even with careful planning. So today I want to appreciate the life I have. With all it's challenges and gifts. I have been feeling overwhelmed. I let bills pile up even though I have the money to pay them. I put stuff off and then it haunts me with a steady feeling of anxiety in the background of my daily doings. I can take care of it by devoting a few minutes to rounding up the bills and paying them. All the little things that add up can be tackled one by one. Even my job, which has demanded hours of overtime in the past month or so, can be broken down into smaller steps and celebrated as each one is accomplished. I don't need the big fanfare, just taking care of the basic stuff is a major accomplishment for me.

I packed good food today. I threw together a bag with frozen vegetables, a frozen serving of salmon, and a ruby red grapefruit. I threw my gym clothes in a bag and they are in the car in case I have time to go today on my lunch hour. Got a call last night that brother is getting kicked out of the place where I just moved him a month ago. I can't move him every month. I have to ponder this all in the context of what my part is in the situation. I have to take care of myself above all or I won't meet any of the challenges that face me on a daily basis. My house is messy and my kids are sick. I won't let these things consume me, though. Not today. Today I am going to make a list of all the things to appreciate. I am going to eat my good food, get some exercise and do each task with dedication, however small or large the task may be.

Anyway, that's the plan. More will be revealed.


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