Friday, February 22, 2008

I love Friday

I love Friday just because it is Friday. I am making this particular Friday my fresh start Friday. I was feeling big and bloated yesterday. I stayed home due to an ice storm and I baked things for the kids. But one batch of botched muffin batter turned scones became my downfall. They were just the right kind of white flour, doughy things that get to me. I had them with apricot jam, I had them plain, I had them with butter. You know the deal. So then I felt like a mountain simply because I ate them. This morning I weighed in and was delighted to see I was 162 which is not that much higher than my lowest weight. The 150's are still escaping me but at least I am in close range of them. The glop of the floury treats may hit later but I am trying to arrest the damage by being prudent today.

I exercised abs and upper body this morning at home. I had yogurt and extra fiber bran for breakfast. I had regular coffee instead of super caffeine frozen frappucino. I packed salmon, spinach and a grapefruit for my food supply at work. And, I am dedicated to a pleasant attitude in spite of anything that could get in my way. I decided last night that this new state of overload at my job may be a permanent condition so there is no use in waiting for it to pass before I can be happy. In fact, there is no use in waiting for any future event to occur in order to be OK. It is nice to look forward to things, but accepting and finding joy in the present state of affairs is crucial for me. Part of losing the 42 pounds I have lost in the past three years was accepting myself the way I am while making improvements, however slow they may be.

So today, with missed deadlines on projects and stacks of work on my desk, I am feeling peace. At any given time in my life there are demands beyond my capabilities. In my personal and professional life. I can only do so much. I cannot be all things to all people. One thing I can do is not make unreasonable demands of myself. Especially when the external demands are high.
Instead, I should increase my level of self care, get extra support, reach out in my friendships and get what I need to deal with life. Hopefully this makes sense. My main goal for today is to accept my present state, my body, my circumstances, my job, and so on, exactly the way it is and find something to rejoice about, no matter what.

I love Friday. I love fresh starts.


Blogger ar said...

What a wonderful posting Cindy. Am so happy that you could take corrective action immediately AND weighed yourself. Completely relate and it brought back childhood memories to me. When I started to experiment with cooking in my mom's kitchen that was one of the first things I overate, the scones baking thing from dough to final product. Since those early times every now and then scones would come my way and it would be triggered by my early childhood experiences. I wonder sometimes whether when I eat the scones now I try to recreate comfort.

Wonder whether legal offices are the same all over the world. Dog eats dog with a vengeance. Sort of in the nature of the job to investigate and prove wrong or right. Must make a very strong person out of you to stick it out and survive in an environment like that.

Hope you are having a good weekend and that you managed to stay the course. Would be awesome if you could get to the fifties weigh-in mark. Looks as though your past successes indicate that you will.

Warm wishes


10:15 PM  

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