Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Checking in

Last night I drove brother to Mom and Dad's. I did not get back until 12:30 a.m. My eating yesterday was pretty good, except for major infusions of caffiene. I ate the grapefruit, salmon and veggies and pasta that I brought to work and had little time for dinner before I left on my mission. I did nibble some of what I cooked for the kids, pasta with beef and red sauce, but not much. So later on the way home I grabbed a protien bar at a gas station when I was getting yet another dose of caffiene to keep me awake for the rest of the drive. When I got home I had shredded wheat and yogurt. More than one serving, probably.

I want to address the caffiene but not today, not after a taxing night with not so much rest. I will do it tomorrow. I want to address portion size again. It seems to be creeping up. Without keeping track, things can sneak back up. I did not weigh this morning. Did not want to deal with it. The brother situation is tipping the balance into the danger zone so I am not going to bash myself about weight. But I am going to make the concious effort to eat healthy foods and not junk, and at least try to trim the portions where I can. I know I could make a bigger effort on this but right now I want to avoid setting myself up for failure.

For today I am going to focus on my work and not take any extra personal calls that might distract me, like my sister calling me about my brother, or my son's wife calling me about my son. Only the absolutely necessary calls will I take. I want to stay focused on work and let the other stuff be. I did what I felt was a good idea, I removed brother from the roommate situation - and now I need to take care of my own life. I am going to move his stuff. But not today. I don't know what his destiny is but I do know that I can pick my part in it for today. Today I am taking a break to take care of my own stuff. Part of that will be my diet and exercise program so I can take care of my physical health.


Blogger Helen said...

Good for you, Cindy...the old adage that you can't take care of anyone else if you don't take care of you is SO true. Chipping away at things (or baby steps as Vickie would say) works. I am being totally drastic now with my diet and exercise, but last night when DB was telling me how I should stop drinking my diet lemonade because there is stuff in there that is bad for you I said "I am NOT giving up that TOO"!! ;-) Hang on to your caffeine as long as you need'll get rid of it when you are ready.

2:26 PM  

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