Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday Musing

It's such a Monday. I feel a little sluggish but I am calling it "relaxed". I took something for my allergies last night and it makes me sleep but it gives me a grogginess in the morning. Sometimes it is nice to be groggy. My boss may disagree.

I had a great weekend. I swam on Saturday with my sister and her daughters. It was great to visit with them. My two kids came and they all played in the pool together. It was nice to see my two mixing with her two, there is an age difference of 4 and 5 years. Hers are 8 and mine are 12 and 13. I got a great workout in the pool. My sister had these contraptions to put on your feet that make them try and float to the top so I had some resistance to work with. She also had those foam dumbbells I see the old folks at the gym using. Tee hee...old folks, I think my kids consider me old folk now.

Sunday I had nothing planned, what a wonderful treat that can be. I spent the day working in my big bedroom, setting up my desk area, finally, after now being there almost five months. It felt good to get that accomplished. I set up the printer scanner I bought in January. I also cleaned other areas of the room. There was such a pile up that I spent most of the day doing normal cleaning - bathroom, bird cage, etc. There is more to go, but I feel I have made major progress. I set up my guitar area last week. So I now have my office, music, bed and exercise areas ready to go. I swear I could live in that room. I want to put the coffee maker in the bathroom again.

I am nesting and settling in again. It feels good. Stable and peaceful. I like being at home. Sunday morning I dared to get on the scale and I had lost a pound. But this morning was another story. I think I will attribute this morning to water from having a salty diet yesterday. Yea, that's it. Water. I will go with that. Friday I worked out at the gym. I am averaging at least one good gym workout per week and trying to find a way to get it up to two. I made my walk to the Swans at least twice over the weekend. I am exercising regularly. I like that I do it regularly but I am no longer obsessed with it. I had planned to go to the gym yesterday morning, but opted to spend the time cleaning my room and doing much needed and long neglected chores around the house. That was a workout in itself.

Today I am keeping track of food to make sure I get back into the groove of eating less. I don't track all the time but when I have been eating more than normal and I want to get back to losing, I try to track. It keeps me in reality. I keep a box of whole oats at work now. That way I can have breakfast at work when I don't eat before I leave the house. I also bought several packaged tuna and salmon steaks. They are so easy, already cooked, and require no refrigeration. If it is easy, I can do it. So I am going to keep it easy.

Soon Summer will settle into Autumn. A Summer of enlightenment and even a little romance. But so much enlightenment I feel I have crossed over into a new dimension of my life. Strange an new but safe and secure. It has been a hot and intense Summer. Intensity now melting into a rich harvest. I am optimistic and content. I want to feast upon the fruits of my labor. I want to savor and enjoy. But I want to keep pushing further on. Further weight loss, further insights. My body has been slowly changing and my mind is changing, too, for the better. I feel the two are in sync. Some sort of odd balancing is going on. Foreign to me, but welcome.

More will be revealed.


Blogger Vickie said...

I am not a coffee person - but I can see that a coffee maker in the bathroom would be ideal. Your domain.

Our bedroom is large and is like its own little world.

Actually the girls have their own area like that too on the other end of the house. And the oldest (son) very much has his own area upstairs.

I understand the body-mind balance thing.

1:15 PM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I got a lot of cleaning done last week too. It just feel better to not have all the clutter. My big project was Grumpette's toys and her bedroom. I was able to get rid of a huge, over stuffed garbage bag of toys (cheapy ones).

Your posts are always so soothing.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Bea said...

Very soothing. I want to nest. But first we will have to feather the nest i.e. clean and paint. A lot has to happen in the next month. I am praying for strength. I am stressed out and needed the soothing post. Thanks.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

That's very clever the coffee machine in the bathroom. If I could have a Diet Coke machine in mine....

You had a perfectly wonderful weekend and the number on the scale doesn't reflect everything. You were productive, you worked out, you spent time with your family and you reflected on a lot of good things about yourself. I'm always in awe of you with everything that you do, your responsibilities and you take the time to be reflective, thankful and happy.

7:55 AM  

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