Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stuck Again but Not Giving Up

I'm stuck again in weight loss and hoping not to gain. I have had a HUGE appetite the past several days. At night I want to eat like the old days. I even had a thing with ice cream a couple of nights in a row. But I am not going to worry too much about it. What I am doing is trying to drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and reach for healthier food. I had my ice cream fling and now I can go back to my yogurt and berries. I had my bagel thing and now I can go back to oats and bran. I won't weigh myself for a couple of days, fearing the sight of a gain will put me into desperate thinking. But I will be accountable Monday morning for a weigh in.

It has been very busy. School started for the kids. I waited until the last minute to shop for supplies. I have been driving around in the hottest of weather in my rolling sauna (no AC in the car anymore) and sweat is a regular part of my life. But I have been keeping up with my daily readings and this morning I even sat on my patio for the first time in ages since the heat took over. It was nice. I pondered how much I love the natural beauty of the earth and how much I appreciate my home. I am also glad that school is starting again and life will now revolve around that schedule which will create some stability and routine. I like that. It has been a wild summer for me. And I feel ready to settle down soon.

So maybe my eating will settle down, and I can get back to a routine with that as well. I do opt for the healthier, leaner foods most of the time. And that keeps me from gaining back my loss. Also, it never fails that when I eat wildly for a few days and I feel I am gaining weight, someone compliments me or comments on how much I have lost and I am reminded that I have made much progress, even if I slip back a little here and there. This has been happening lately at work. Several women, the skinny ones who work at being healthy, have talked to me about how good I look and how much weight I have lost. I feel like I have must have crossed some invisible weight loss line to have these women take notice. They are in great shape, and always have been. They work out and eat faithfully the same healthy foods. I see them walking outside, taking the steps, and so on. So I am hanging onto their kind words as incentive to keep pushing on. What I have been doing for the past year must work. And part of that program is never giving up, no matter what mistakes I make.


Blogger Dana said...

Hi! I randomly came across your blog because we share some similar interests. I thought you would be interested in my blog, about women's health and fitness. Check it out! :)

Hope to see you around the site soon!
- Dana

2:29 PM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

Cindy, all you can do is keep slogging on. Some days are going to be good and other days bad. I doubt that we will ever lose weight AND at the same time have people compiment us. I think we'll always be lagging behind the compliments. :-)

Keep up what you can do and take care of yourself.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Bea said...

Yeah you are back. We want to eat cold ice cream on hot August nights. What could be the matter with us? It is summer. And summer is going fast. Eat that ice cream and enjoy. You are not slipping backwards. Take care.

12:09 PM  

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