Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Head Hunger

This morning I read this meditation on the site. It talks about "head hunger" and responding to the signals we get from our brains that prompt us to eat. For me, this would involve learning what signals are the physical hunger indicating my body needs nourishment and which ones are head hunger. Then, I can learn new ways to feed the head hunger. I like this. The key is to find out what is behind the head hunger. But I can't stop there, I need to develop new responses to feed my head, heart and soul.

The meditation talks about emotions triggering head hunger. I know this is true for me. I am ready to start working on my plan of action to respond to the hunger brought on by these emotions. One idea I have is to make a list of each kind of emotion that triggers the head hunger (for me, most likely every emotion) and then write down other things to do besides eat, things that have worked in the past. Then I can try them out and see which ones work the best.

Just some thoughts, prompted by the Thought for Today. I hope the link still works, it did when I tested it - if not let me know.

PS - Any suggestions on how to use Flax seeds. I have a bag I bought some time ago and I am looking for ways to eat it.


Blogger Vickie said...

Flax seed can be used in baking instead of oil.


I wrote:

Oil Substitutes
Oil can be replaced by Applesauce in most baked recipes. Please be sure to read Applesauce Ingredient listings carefully - some have a LOT of added sugar. I cannot find it written any where - but I believe the substitution is even - 1 cup of oil replaced by 1 cup of applesauce.
Try it out and please let me know if the substitution is not even.

Oil can be replaced in a recipe (3 to 1 ratio) with Flax Seed when baking. So if the recipe calls for 1 cup oil - can substitute 3 cups Flax Seed.

I tried a traditional pumpkin muffin recipe yesterday using flax seed. I left everything else in the recipe the same (white sugar) and substituted 3 cups of flax seed for 1 cup oil. The batter was very dense - hard to spread evenly in muffin cups and was much darker than normal.

I didn't try it yet but I am wondering if the best idea/suggestion is to use 1/2 oil and half Flax Seed. So, in 1 cup oil example - To use 1/2 cup oil and 1 1/2 cups Flax Seed. So the batter spreads easier and looks more "normal."

My Bob's Red Mill Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal package also says it can be sprinkled on hot or cold cereal, blended in juice or smoothies, sprinkled on salads or yogurt, added to meatloaf or meatballs or casseroles.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Bea said...

Boy did I need that meditation today. I have read it a couple of times. I think I have finally figured out how to link. Maybe. How did you get the email thing?

I have been putting the ground flax seed on my cereal in the mornings. I can only cope with a tablespoon of it. The gold flax seed tastes a little better than the dark brown stuff. Be sure to grind the seeds. I was trying to eat them whole. Tooey. Thanks for the meditation. I may get the book it came from.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

Thank you Cindy for posting a link to this meditation. I really needed it today (and probably every day but let's not get too crazy).

I've heard you can ground it up in a spice grinder (or coffee grinder if you only use it for spices maybe).

I think you have to be careful how you store it -- I don't know the particulars but I seem to recall quick spoilage can occur.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

Flaxseed...Cindy, I found this on CNN:

Stir ground flaxseed into toppings for fruit crisps or use it in recipes that call for breadcrumbs to tap into the seeds' heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids -- 4 g for every 2 tablespoons

10:56 AM  

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