Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day

Today was amazing. I took the kids and one extra kid to the Six Flags amusement park. I was the biggest kid of all. I rode the roller coasters over and over, claiming the front seat as my favorite. I kept running ahead and the kids told me to slow down. That is the amazing part. Me running. Me being told to slow down by kids. I am almost 30 pounds lighter than a year ago. A year ago I barely ran and if I did it was short lived. When fireworks began at the park we were just getting off the roller coaster so we had to get to the other end of the park, I ran and ran. It felt so good to run and not hurt. To run and not feel like I could have a heart attack. To run and feel like I could keep on running. I feel victorious. I feel reborn.

Seriously, since my walk amongst the corn a couple of nights ago I feel like a new person. In fact, if I did not have to work tomorrow I'd be back in the corn tonight to seek more of what it had to offer. I feel lighter in my head and heart. I am not worrying about the boy situation. If the summer romance blooms into something more, great. If not, hooray for that, too. I like him very much but if I never saw him again I would still cherish what was shared for just that short while. For me to let go of those old thoughts that used to churn constantly in my mind about men..why doesn't he call, where is he, is he with someone else, all the BS I put myself through, is amazing. I know where those thoughts came from -the past. So I sent them all back. They are off the menu.

Tomorrow I return to work and I am wondering how my cornfield revival will impact my working attitude. I hope I can hold on to my new found peace and excitement for living. In my lifetime I have often found certain spots in nature that brought me peace and inspiration. I would go to them to replenish my soul. But it has been a long time since I have had one at all, and one that impacted me so much all at once. I'd like to go back in the daytime to see where I really was.

More will be revealed. For today I am grateful for everything in my life.


Blogger Lori G. said...

I really liked your cornfield post and this post. One of my goals for this year was to find someone to go with me to our amusement parks because I have been too fat to get in the rides. So I get to live vicariously through you. I understand what you mean about the men. I do that and I'm trying not to be obsessive about what's going on. I hope you have a great day today.

8:21 AM  

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