Friday, September 15, 2006

The High Risk Hours

I have been able to identify the time of day that I most often get into trouble. It is the late afternoon/early evening between 3:30 and 8:00 p.m. Mornings are fine, I never overeat in the morning. Noon time is good, too. I am happy with a reasonable lunch. But there is something about the time from when I get home from work, and through the evening. That's when I fall off of plans, or overindulge and so on. I decided to really look at what goes on emotionally, etc. at that time of day. For one thing, there is the transition between being at work and being at home. There's a feeling of relief and perhaps the feeling of release and a temptation to "cut loose." Then, there is also some stress and sometimes some fatigue, both of which I often sooth with food. So there may be at least two types of eating here, eating to "celabrate" and eating for comfort. What I do believe is that if I can make changes to what I do at that time of day, I may get over a huge hurdle. So I am going to be working at changes that could make a difference. One thing I want to try is a quick walk with the dog when I get home, and a few exercises. Then have a small snack sitting at the table with my daughter. Then a meditation reading. Just a short one pager. It's a re-charging of myself for the remainder of the day. Or, a transitional ritual. In the morning when I wake up, I like to do some things to get the day started. I pray, I think about the day ahead and read something. Sometimes I do a few exercises. Not always, but it is a well established pattern I have had for years, so much so that if I don't do it, I at least acknowlege the need to do it, and miss it. Now, if I can get the late afternoon transition going as a regular habit, it could be a major breakthrough for me.


Blogger Vickie said...

I read the Shrinking Knitter every day and I have never asked - but I wonder if this is WHY she KNITS - to have something to do with her hands.

this is my hard time of day too. I have tried eating lunch later, I have tried saving my snack and my dinner both. I have had days where I have eaten those two back-to-back - which is a HUGE amounts of food.

For me, it is mostly "not knowing quite what to do with myself" during this time. Because if I have kids with sports practice and that makes ME have a hectic schedule - then I find that I don't go through this. I have had hectic afternoons/evenings where I have forgotten to eat until reminded. So, for ME it is simply looking for something "to do" I think - it is not hunger related at all.

There are other times when it is pure procrastination related - I would rather EAT than clean a toilet - go figure!

For me, only eating 3 meals a day and 1 snack solved a lot of this. Not having LOOSE FOOD - laying around, not accounted for - helps ME too. When I used to write all my food plans out in advance - that helped - because if it wasn't on the list - I "couldn't have it."

I think you are on the right track to develop a routine so that you KNOW WHAT TO DO with yourself.

This is exactly what I would do to "retrain" a toddler with a bad habit - tell them what TO DO instead of what not to do.

I was so glad you posted - I check in EVERY DAY to see how you are doing!!!

11:14 AM  
Blogger Vickie said...

I realized after I posted that you might not know what I meant about "toddler talk" - I posted on my own blog about it this morning.

5:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have the toughest time after 8 -- most of what I want after 8 is junk -- and anytime I'm home alone because I can't be bothered with a real meal and want to just nibble instead. Sounds like you have some great ideas about what to do during the "eating hours."

12:07 PM  
Blogger Kyraylyn said...

Hey, what a great idea! I don't think I have thought about marking the transition between work/home but it makes sense. The only thing I do now is try to exercise soon after I get home but when that doesn't happen I feel kind of 'lost' for a bit until I get into some project or if it is late enough to start making dinner.
I used to 'transition' with alcohol, drugs and of course - lots of food.
This post is a good reminder to make a point of easing into the rest of the day with some real awarness!

6:22 PM  
Blogger Lori G. said...

My time of day is right after work and usually when I'm exhausted and have no plan. And that's dangerous.

Plan or a fallback known plan....

10:00 PM  
Blogger BigAssBelle said...

i've just come off a couple of months of really seeing this habit developing in me. lost a lot of weight, went on a maintenance plan, started really, really eating at night, not a habit before this.

it's almost like putting on a girdle, this fat/weight/eating management thing: i can squeeze into the tightest one, but i will pop out elsewhere. i resolve my emotional eating triggers and then i get trigged simply by a time and place ~ at home, after 5, when all is peaceful and pleasant and i want the pleasure of eating . . . a lot.

i think i've broken it, tentatively, but man, it has a hell of a grip. you're doing great. happy to have found you. lynette

9:57 PM  

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