Friday, August 11, 2006

A Fresh Start

I need a fresh start. I have been focusing way too much on calculations. I talked about it before, so I will spare the details. I want to focus more on meditation and positive thinking. Even a little of that goes a long way for me, especially if I do it in the morning before the day even gets started.

One of the easiest ways to refresh my thinking is to make a gratitude list. A woman once told me that she would go through the alphabet and for each letter name something to be grateful for. I found this to be a fun game for my daughter and me to play, especially if we are feeling blue. Or if I am "stumped" and can't come up with anything (it's really a sad day when that happens)I use the alphabet method to get me going.

So today I am starting fresh with a simple expression of gratitude. For being alive and reasonably healthy, for having a home of my own for my daughter and me to share, for having so many pets, for having a family that I appreciate, for having a faith that works, for having so many resouces to find help for any of my problems. A good job, a car to get there, clothes to put on in the morning, a gym to belong to even though I have not been going, a pool to go to and swim, the rain yesterday that watered my trees, the lawnmower that still runs so I can cut the grass. People. I could go on and on and on. Gushing gratitude.

Attitude adjustment accomplished. I am now inspired to clean house. Another activity that always makes me feel really really good.

PS I am also grateful for any of you who read this.


Blogger Vickie said...

Loved this post - meditation, prayer, self reflection, thankfulness - you are right - good daily habits.

5:57 AM  

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